Holes sentences 36-40
He clutched his stomach as he let himself fall to the ground.
He'd make a mental snapshot of how it looked, then wait maybe ten minutes before looking at it again, to see if it seemed closer.
"I bet she was pretty," said Zero. "Somebody must have loved her a lot, to name a boat after her."
Zero used the shovel as a third leg. Two legs weren't enough to keep him up.
Zero knelt, bent over with his head on the ground.
He was weak and exhausted, yet as bad as he felt, he knew that Zero felt ten times worse.
Zero hadn't been able to unscrew the lid.
Maybe the bad germs couldn't get in, either.
He hated to imagine what it would be like for his mother and father, day after day, month after month, not knowing, living on false hope.
Zero groaned and clutched his stomach, but he remained standing.
Stanley saw a rut, about a foot wide and six inches deep, running down a cliff. On either side of the rut were a series of ledges. It looked to be about a fifty-foot climb, straight up. Stanley still managed to hold the sack of jars in his left hand as he slowly moved up, from ledge to ledge, crisscrossing the rut.
His frail body trembled terribly as he climbed the stone wall.
Some of the ledges were wide enough to sit on.
Stanley stopped about two-thirds of the way up, on a fairly wide ledge. Zero came up alongside him.
He looked above him. He wasn't sure how he'd get to the next ledge. It was three or four feet above his head, and he didn't see any footholds.
Stanley cupped his hands together, and Zero stepped on his interwoven fingers. He was able to lift Zero high enough for him to grab the protruding slab of rock. Stanley continued to help him from below as Zero pulled himself onto the ledge.
Stanley doubted this would work.
His hands moved one over the other, up the shaft of the shovel. He felt Zero's hand clasp his wrist. He let go of the shaft with one hand and grabbed the top of the ledge. He gathered his strength and for a brief second seemed to defy gravity as he took a quick step up the wall and, with Zero's help, pulled himself the rest of the way over the ledge.
He caught his breath.
He noticed a large spot of blood on his wrist. Zero had deep gashes in both hands.
Zero brought his hands to his mouth and sucked up his blood.
When they reached flat ground, Stanley looked up to see the sun, a fiery ball balancing on top of Big Thumb. God was twirling a basketball.
The ground got steeper and steeper, and then there was no doubt that they were heading up the mountain. It became too steep to go straight up. Instead they zigzagged back and forth, increasing their altitude by small increments every time they changed directions.
Patches of weeds dotted the mountainside. They walked from one patch to another, using the weeds as footholds.
Many had thorns, and they had to be careful walking through them.
Besides, he knew they didn't have much daylight left.
As the sky darkened, bugs began appearing above the weed patches. A swarm of gnats hovered around them, attracted by their sweat. Neither Stanley nor Zero had the strength to try to swat at them.
A wide smile spread across Zero's sick and weary face as well.
Suddenly, Zero made a horrible, wrenching noise as he doubled over and grabbed his stomach. His frail body shook violently
As they climbed higher, the patches of weeds grew thicker, and they had to be careful not to get their feet tangled in thorny vines. Stanley suddenly realized something. There hadn't been any weeds on the lake.
Stanley took hold of Zero's forearms and pulled him upright. Then he stooped down and let Zero fall over his right shoulder. He stood up, lifting Zero's worn-out body off the ground. Zero's legs dangled in front of him.
After a while he became aware of a foul odor.
As the ground flattened, a huge stone precipice rose up ahead of him, just barely visible in the moonlight.
It no longer resembled a thumb. And he knew he'd never be able to climb it. Around him, the smell became stronger. It was the bitter smell of despair.
Zero's head knocked against the back of his shoulder as he fell and tumbled into a small muddy gully.
As he lay face down in the muddy ditch, he didn't know if he'd ever get up again.
The ground became gloppier. The mud splashed up as he slapped the ground. Using both hands, he dug a hole in the soggy soil.
Zero's eyes remained closed. But his tongue poked out between his lips, searching out the droplets.
He bit into it without peeling it. The hot bitter juice burst into his mouth.
And when he swallowed, he felt its warmth move down his throat and into his stomach. He only ate half.
Stanley awoke in a meadow, looking up at the giant rock tower. It was layered and streaked with different shades of red, burnt orange, brown, and tan. It must have been over a hundred feet tall.
Stanley lay awhile, just looking at it.
He scooped some dirty water into his mouth, then swished it around, trying to filter it with his teeth.
He lowered his head into it and lapped up some water. Then he jerked back, clutched his knees to his chest, and rolled to his side. His body shook violently.
he didn't think he had the strength to go down
He struggled to his feet.
He was in a field of greenish white flowers that seemed to extend all the way around Big Thumb.
Tag, you're it.
It actually wasn't one big flower, he discovered, but instead each flower was really a cluster of tiny little flowers that formed a round ball.
He could see part of the trail he had made the night before, when he carried Zero up the mountain. If he was going to head back down and look for the shovel, he realized, he should do it soon, while the trail was fresh.
"I got to tell you something," he said with a groan.
"Save your strength." "No, listen," Zero insisted, then he closed his eyes as his face twisted with pain.
It took a moment for Stanley to comprehend.
Stanley stared at him. It was impossible. Zero was delirious.
Zero's "confession" seemed to bring him some relief.
As he drifted into sleep, Stanley softly sang him the song that had been in his family for generations.
He intertwined his fingers and tried to rub out the pain.
nightgown and robe
"Whoa, Mary Lou," said Sam, stopping his mule and cart.
Gladys Tennyson was all smiles. "I think she's going to be all right. The fever broke about an hour ago. Thanks to you."
That quack wanted to put leeches on her stomach! He said they would suck out the bad blood.
"It was your onion tonic," "That's what saved her."
"We have both been up all night and half the morning with Rebecca. She almost died from stomach sickness. It seems she ate some bad meat." Hattie's face flushed.
Her husband, Jim Parker, was the butcher.
"but it nearly killed Becca, what with her being so young. Sam saved her life."
Hattie said contritely.
She gave him a dime and told him to keep the change.
"I don't take charity,"
Tennyson an additional three onions, and she fed them one at a time to Mary Lou.
Stanley and Zero slept off and on for the next two days, ate onions, all they wanted, and splashed dirty water into their mouths.
He didn't want him to wake up and think he'd been deserted.
"I think I'll go look for the shovel," "I'll wait here," Zero said feebly, as if he had any other choice.
Still, he headed downward, just in case.
He saw a large indentation in the weeds a little farther down the mountain.
if they had rolled down the hill, it is doubtful that he would have found the sack and shovel side by side.
Holes words 36-40
clutched : 붙잡음; 꽉잡다; 움켜쥠; 마수; 수중
germs : 세균; 병원균; 병균; 싹틈; 눈틈
rut : 바퀴 자국; 홈; 상투적인 방법; 상습; 상례
ledge [ledʒ]
1. 절벽에서 (선반처럼) 튀어나온 바위
seabirds nesting on rocky ledges
절벽 끝 바위에 둥지를 틀고 사는 바닷새
crisscrossing : 열십자; 십자형; 십자형으로 교차한 물건; ×표; 엇갈림
frail : 무른; 여린; 연약한; 허약한; 깨지기 쉬운
trembled : 떨리다; 벌벌 떨다; 떨다; 전전긍긍하다
fairly : 꽤; 아주; 공정히; 어지간히; 상당히
alongside : 옆으로 대고; 뱃전에; 쪽에
foothold [-hoʊld]
1. (등산 때) 발 디딜 곳
The company is eager to gain a foothold in Europe.
2. (사업·직업 등에서 성공의) 발판[기반]
The company is eager to gain a foothold in Europe.
그 회사는 유럽에서 발판을 다지기를 열망하고 있다.
boost : 밀어올림; 밀어올리다; 후원; 격려; 경기 부양
interwoven : 짜넣다; 섞어 짜다; 섞다
protruding : 내밀다; 튀어나오다; 내뻗다; 튀어나오게 하다; 비어져 나오다
defy : 무시하다; 도전하다; 문제삼지 않다; 얕보다; 공공연히 반항하다
gashes : 깊은 상처; 깊이 갈라진 틈; 입; 여성의 성기; 여분의
sucked : 빨다; 흡수하다; 마시다; 빨아들이다; 삼키다
fiery : 불의; 맹화의; 화염의; 불타는; 불 같은
twirling : 빙빙 돌리다; 휘두르다; 비틀어 돌리다; 만지작거리다; 던지다
back and forth
1. 왔다갔다
ferries sailing back and forth between the islands
그 섬들 사이를 왔다갔다 하는 연락선들
increments : 증가; 증대; 증강; 증식; 이익
patches : 헝겊 조각; 천조각; 판자 조각; 덧대는 쇳조각; 고약 한 장
thorns : 가시; 극침; 가시가 있는 관목; 가시털; 극모
swarm : 무리; 떼; 벌떼; 대군; 군중
gnats : 각다귀; 모기; 사소한 일
swat : 찰싹 때림; 파리채swatter; 장타; 강타; 홈런
weary : 피곤한; 지친; 기진맥진한; 싫증이 난; 지루한
wrenching : 비틀기; 비틀다; 꼬기; 삠; 근육의 뒤틀림
tangled : 얽힘; 얽히게 하다; 엉키게 하다; 분규를 일으키다; 혼란시키다
thorny : 가시가 많은; 가시가 돋친; 가시 같은; 어려운; 곤란한
vines : 포도나무; 덩굴식물; 줄기; 덩굴; 포도주
forearms : 아래팔; 팔뚝; 미리 무장하다; 미리 대비하다
dangled : 매달리다; 따라다니다
foul : 더러운; 나쁜; 지저분한; 반칙; 더럽히다
precipice : 절벽; 낭떠러지; 위기; 궁지; 위험한 상태
resembled : …을 닮다; …와 공통점이 있다; …을 비기다
despair : 절망; 자포자기; 절망의 근원
tumbled : 넘어지다; 굴리다; 넘어뜨리다; 굴러 떨어지다; 폭락하다
gully : 협곡; 도랑; 하수구; 홈통형 레일; point와 slips 사이의 수비 위치
ditch : 수로; 도랑; 배수구; 천연의 수로; 영국 해협
gloppy : 질척한
splashed : 튀기다; 튀다; 튀김; 더럽히다; 튀겨 더럽히다
slapped : 찰싹; 손바닥으로 때림; 찰싹 소리; 덜거덕; 거절
soggy : 흠뻑 젖은; 물에 잠긴; 설구워진; 기운 없는
bite into
1. (표면에) 자국을 내다[파고들다]
The horses’ hooves bit deep into the soft earth.
부드러운 땅에 말의 발굽 자국이 깊이 패였다.
bite into
1. …을 덥석 물다.
awoke : 깨우다; 자각시키다; 깨어나다; 자각하다; 깨어 있는
meadow : 목초지; 초원; 강변의 낮은 풀밭; 삼림 한계선에 접한 초원
streaked : 줄; 경향; 줄무늬; 선; 층
swished : 휘두르다; 휙 소리내다; 튀기다; 물장구치다; 쳐서 베다
1. ~을 덥석[선뜻] 받아들이다
It’s a terrible movie but audiences everywhere are lapping it up.
그것은 끔찍한 영화인데도 관객들이 어디에서나 그것을 선뜻 받아들이고 있다.
2. (기분 좋게) ~을 다 마시다
The calf lapped up the bucket of milk.
송아지는 그 우유 한 양동이를 다 마셨다[핥아먹었다].
jerked : 갑자기 움직이다; 갑자기 잡아당김; 반사 운동; 경련; 손발·안면 등의 경련적 동작
clutched : 붙잡음; 꽉잡다; 움켜쥠; 마수; 수중
struggled : 발버둥치다; 발버둥질; 노력; 몸부림치다; 싸우다
greenish : 초록빛을 띤; 녹색이 도는
comprehend : 이해하다; 파악하다; 포함하다; 함축하다
delirious : 헛소리를 하는; 정신 착란의; 정신없이 흥분한; 미쳐 날뛰는; 제정신이 아닌
drift into
1. 의식하지 못한 사이 …에 빠지다, 어쩌다 보니 …하게 되다.
intertwined : 서로 얽히게 하다; 서로 엮다; 얽어 짜다; 한 데 얽어 넣다; 서로 뒤엉키다
rub out
1. 없애다; [美속어] 살해하다, 파멸시키다.
robe : 예복; 관복; 법복; 옷; 의복
mule : 노새; 고집쟁이; 잡종; 잡종 카나리아; 마약 밀매인
1. 돌팔이 의사; 사기꾼, 야바위꾼
leeches : 거머리; 흡혈귀; 고리대금업자; 의사; 거머리를 붙여 피를 빨아내다
tonic : 강장제; 기운을 북돋우는 것; 술; TONIC WATER; 주음
snickered : 낄낄 웃음; 숨죽여 웃는 웃음; 울부짖음; 낄낄 웃다; 숨죽여 웃다
flushed : 붉히다; 왈칵 흘리다; 홍조; 확 붉어지다; 홍조를 띠다
butcher [ˈbʊtʃə(r)]
1. 정육점 주인; 도살업자
contrite [ˈkɑːntraɪt]
1. [격식]깊이 뉘우치는, 회한에 찬
dime : 다임; 10센트 동전; 단돈 한 닢; 10달러
fed : 젖을 주다; 부양하다; 공급하다; 먹이를 먹다; 먹이로 하다
1. (특히 과음을 한 뒤에) 잠을 자서 ~이 낫게 하다[~을 떨쳐 버리다]
Let’s leave him to sleep it off.
그가 한숨 자고 가뿐해지도록 놔두자.
deserted [-ˈzɜːrt-]
1. 장소가사람이 없는
deserted streets
사람이 없는[텅 빈] 거리
2. (같이 있거나 살던) 사람(들)이 떠나 버린, 버림받은abandoned
a deserted village
사람들이 떠나 버린[버려진] 마을
indentation : 만입; 톱니 모양으로 만들기; 톱니 모양; 움푹 들어감; 벤 자국
side by side
1. 나란히
There were two children ahead, walking side by side.
앞에는 두 명의 아이들이 나란히 걸어가고 있었다.
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