
Holes 25~30 리뷰

luluralra 2020. 12. 18. 10:00

Holes sentences 25-30


Not one child showed up for school the next morning.

She heard a noise outside the door, then suddenly a mob of men and women came storming into the school building.

The mob was turning over desks and ripping down bulletin boards.

The sheriff had his feet up on his desk and was drinking from a bottle of whiskey. 


"They're destroying the schoolhouse," she said, gasping for breath. "They'll burn it to the ground if someone doesn't stop them!"

the sheriff said in a slow drawl.

"We don't have much time!" "You've got to stop them."

"You're sure pretty," She slapped him across the face. She tried to slap him again, but he caught her by the hand.

She tried to wriggle free. "You're drunk!" she yelled.

Miss Katherine jerked her hand free.

She ran down to the lakefront, where Sam was hitching Mary Lou to the onion cart.

"Someone must have seen us kissing yesterday,"

The Walker boat smashed into Sam's boat.

You make the decision: Whom did God punish?

For the next twenty years Kissin' Kate Barlow was one of the most feared outlaws in all the West.

His hole was about three and a half feet deep in the center.

He grunted as he pried up some dirt, then flung it off to the side.

He knew it was half full, but he didn't take a drink just yet.

He had to drink sparingly, because he didn't know who would be driving the water truck the next time it came.

all I got was one lousy handful.

the other boys just mocked him.

"Same old story, ain't it, Armpit?"  "Ain't that right, Caveman?" "No, that's not right," Stanley replied. "No, it ain't," X-Ray agreed. "It ain't right at all."

Stanley dug out another shovelful of dirt.

The swelling on Mr. Sir's face had gone down, but it was still a little puffy. There had been three scratch marks down his cheek. Two of the marks had faded, but the middle scratch must have been the deepest, because it still remained.

 It was a jagged purple line running from below his eye to below his mouth, like a tattoo of a scar.

He hated to think what kind of vile substance Mr. Sir might have put in it.

He had never really been sure.

there were a couple of small oak trees still growing by an old abandoned cabin.

She knew she'd been crazy for the last twenty years. "Oh, Sam," she would say, speaking into the vast emptiness.

My feet are cold.

She could smell Trout Walker's dirty feet. "You've got exactly ten seconds to tell me where you've hidden your loot,"

A redheaded woman was there with Trout. Kate could see her rummaging through the cabin, dumping drawers and knocking things from the shelves of cabinets.

The woman came to her. "Where is it?" she demanded.

She had been a cute freckle-faced girl with beautiful red hair. Now her face was blotchy, and her hair was dirty and scraggly.

Trout jabbed her throat with the rifle. "Where's the loot?"

"You better tell him," said Linda. "We're desperate." "You married him for his money, didn't you?"


But it just kept getting hotter and hotter and hotter . . ." 

There was a loud blast as Trout fired his rifle just above her head. The window behind her shattered.

"Where's it buried?" he demanded.

But I sure hope you like to dig.

Linda grabbed Kate's hair and jerked her head back.

"I've been wishing I was dead for the last twenty years,"

They made her walk barefoot on the hot ground. They wouldn't let her stop walking. "Not until you take us to the loot,"

She walked one way, then the other, until her feet were black and blistered. Whenever she stopped, Linda whacked her with the shovel.

"I'm losing my patience," warned Trout.

She felt the shovel jab into her back, and she fell onto hard dirt.

Kate struggled to her feet.

"We're being easy on you today,"

A lizard leaped toward them

The lizard landed on Kate's bare ankle.

Its sharp black teeth bit into her leg.

Its white tongue lapped up the droplets of blood that leaked out of the wound.

"Where is it?" Linda screeched. "Where'd you bury it?" Trout demanded. Kate Barlow died laughing.

The air became unbearably humid. Stanley was drenched in sweat. Beads of moisture ran down the handle of his shovel. It was almost as if the temperature had gotten so hot that the air itself was sweating.

A storm was way off to the west, beyond the mountains. The only time they were visible was just at sunup, before the air became hazy. Now, however, the sky was very dark off to the west, and every time the lightning flashed, the dark shape of the mountains would briefly appear.

His frizzy blond hair stuck almost straight out.

The horizon lit up with a huge web of lightning.

Stanley wasn't sure whether he'd seen it or not.

"I found refuge on God's thumb."

That was what his great-grandfather had supposedly said after Kate Barlow had robbed him and left him stranded in the desert.

He was delirious when he said it.

I wasn't born yet.

He'd always talked about how she'd dab his forehead with a cool wet cloth.

Zigzag lay in his cot as everyone headed outside. "I get to sleep in, because it's my birthday."

He tried to figure out how long he'd been at Camp Green Lake, if indeed it was July 8.

He'd learned not to doubt him when it came to math.

have an extra carton of juice

To everyone's surprise, Mr. Sir gave it to him.

Mr. Sir was no longer depriving him of water.

He always felt awkward while Zero was digging his hole, unsure of what to do with himself. 

He thought he could make out a spot where the top of one mountain seemed to jut upward, but it didn't seem very impressive.

You should get a whip

Come on, Caveman. Be a pal. Let me dig your hole. "I didn't say I was betㅡ" "You're insulting him, Zig,"

"Now come to the front of the line where you belong."

He bit into his sandwich, which contained some kind of meat-and-cheese mixture that came in a can.

He glanced up to see Zigzag and Squid walking toward him.

Zigzag pushed him back. "Don't push me!" "I didn't . . ." Stanley got to his feet. He looked around.

Stanley took a step backward, carefully avoiding Zero's hole.

Zigzag kept after him. He shoved Stanley and said, "Quit pushing!" "Lay off," said Armpit, 

"Why should he?" snapped X-Ray.

"We were just fooling around."

Stanley stared at Mr. Pendanski in astonishment.

"Teach the bully a lesson,"

Stanley made a feeble attempt to punch Zigzag, then he felt a flurry of fists against his head and neck. Zigzag had hold of his collar with one hand and was hitting him with the other. The collar ripped and Stanley fell backward onto the dirt.

The side of Stanley's face was pressed flat against the dirt. He tried to protect himself, but Zigzag's fists slammed off his arms and pounded his face into the ground. All he could do was wait for it to be over. Then, suddenly, Zigzag was off of him. Stanley managed to look up, and he saw that Zero had his arm around Zigzag's long neck. Zigzag made a gagging sound, as he desperately tried to pry Zero's arm off of him.

Armpit charged into them, freeing Zigzag from Zero's choke hold.

Mr. Pendanski fired his pistol into the air.

They had their guns drawn, but holstered them when they saw the trouble was over.

"There was a riot," Mr. Pendanski told her. "Zero almost strangled Ricky."

Zero started choking Zigzag, and I had to pull Zero off of Zigzag.

It's sort of a trade. The hole still gets dug, so what does it matter who digs it?"

tell me, what does c-a-t spell?" Zero glanced around uneasily.

It leads to trouble.

It causes him stress

His knees crumpled beneath him.

The counselors all drew their guns.

Zero held the shovel out in front of him, as if he were going to try to bat away the bullets. 

Zero kept backing up, out past the cluster of holes the boys had been digging, then farther and farther out onto the lake.

Stanley looked out toward Zero, but he had disappeared into the haze.

The Warden ordered the counselors to take turns guarding the shower room and Wreck Room, all day and all night.

Holes words 25-30

picker [ˈpɪkə(r)]
1. (꽃·채소 등을) 수확하는 사람[기계]
cotton pickers
목화 따는 일꾼들

mob [mɑːb] 
1. (특히 폭력을 휘두르거나 말썽을 일으킬 것 같은) 군중[무리]lynch mob
an angry/unruly mob
성난/통제가 안 되는 군중
mob : 폭도; 군중; 집단; 하층민; 민중

sheriff [ˈʃerɪf] 
1. 보안관(미국에서 county나 town의 민선 치안 담당관)
2. 흔히 High Sheriff(잉글랜드·웨일스에서) 주 장관(왕의 대리인으로서 일부 법률적 의무를 대행하거나 의식에 참석함)
3. (스코틀랜드에서) 판사
sheriff : 군 보안관 민이 선출하는 군 최고 관리로 보통 사법권과 경찰권을 가짐; 주 장관

drawl [drɔːl]
1. (모음을 길게 빼며) 느릿느릿 말하다
[V speech] ‘Hi there!’ she drawled lazily.
“안녕하세요!”하고 그녀가 느릿느릿 말했다.
[sing.] She spoke in a slow southern drawl.
그녀는 느린 남부 사투리로 느릿느릿 말했다.

wriggle : 꿈틀거리다; 꿈틀거리며 돌아다니다; 몸부림치다; 꾸무럭거리다; 꿈틀거리며 나아가다

jerked : 갑자기 움직이다; 갑자기 잡아당김; 반사 운동; 경련; 손발·안면 등의 경련적 동작

lakefront [léikfrʌ̀nt] 
1. [보통 the ~] 호반, 호안(湖岸)(에 연한 땅)

hitch : 걸다; 매다; 홱 움직이다; 끌어당기다; 낚아채다

waded : 걸어서 건너다; 도섭하다; 고생하며 나아가다; 간신히 빠져 나가다; 힘들여 나아가다

smashed : 때려부수다; 부서지다; 분쇄; 깨뜨리다; 분쇄하다

outlaws : 법률상의 보호를 박탈당한 사람; 법외 추방자; 법외자; 무법자; 불량배

grunt [ɡrʌnt] 
1. 동물, 특히 돼지가꿀꿀거리다

1. 지레로 들어올리다[움직이다](prize) ((off, up))
( pry+[목]+[부] ) pry offthe top of a box
상자 뚜껑을 비틀어 열다

fling [flɪŋ] 
1. (특히 화가 나서 거칠게) 내던지다[내팽개치다]hurl
Someone had flung a brick through the window.
누군가가 창문 안으로 벽돌 하나를 내던졌었다.
2. (몸이나 신체 일부를 갑자기 힘껏) 던지다[내밀다]
She flung herself onto the bed.
그녀는 침대 위로 몸을 휙 던졌다.
3. (욕설 등을) 퍼붓다hurl
[VN] They were flinging insults at each other.
그들은 서로 모욕적인 말들을 퍼붓고 있었다. [alsov speech]

1. 머리 위에[로], 하늘 높이
Planes flew overhead constantly.
머리 위로 계속 비행기들이 날아다녔다.

1. 절약하여; 부족하여;<언행 등을> 삼가서; 드물게

lousy [ˈlaʊzi] 
1. especially spoken of very bad quality (아주) 안 좋은, 엉망인awful, terrible
What lousy weather!
날씨 정말 더럽군!
The food was lousy.
a lousy film
2. [명사 앞에만 씀]형편없는(남에게 모욕을 받은 듯한 불쾌감을 나타낼 때 씀)
All she bought me was this lousy T-shirt.
그녀가 내게 사 준 거라곤 이 형편없는 티셔츠뿐이야.
3. ~이 더럽게 많은[우글거리는]
This place is lousy with tourists in August.
이곳은 8월이면 관광객들이 우글거린다.
lousy : 이가 들끓는; …조차도; 보풀이 인

handful [ˈhændfʊl] 
1. 줌, 움큼
a handful of rice
쌀 한 줌
2. 몇 안 되는 수
Only a handful of people came.
몇 명 되지 않는 사람들만 왔다.
3. [비격식]다루기 힘든 사람[동물]
Her children can be a real handful.
그녀의 아이들은 정말 다루기 힘들 때가 있다.

mock [mɑːk] 
1. (특히 흉내를 내며) 놀리다[조롱하다]make fun of
[VN] He’s always mocking my French accent.
그는 항상 내 프랑스식 어투를 놀린다.
2. [격식]무시[경시]하다
The new exam mocked the needs of the majority of children.
그 새 시험은 다수 아동의 요구를 무시한 것이었다.
1. 거짓된, 가짜의sham
mock horror/surprise
짐짓 공포스러운/놀란 척함
2. 모의의
a mock election
모의 선거

faded : 바래다; 사라지다; 시들다; 나빠지다; 쭈그러들다

jagged [ˈdʒæɡɪd]
1. 삐죽삐죽한, 들쭉날쭉한
jagged rocks/peaks/edges
삐죽삐죽한 암석/봉우리/가장자리'

vile : 비열한; 타락한; 수치스러운; 상스러운; 하등의

abandoned [əˈbændənd] 
1. 버려진, 유기된
an abandoned car / house
버려진 승용차/집
2. 방종한, 제멋대로인

cabin [ˈkæbɪn] 
1. (배의) 객실, 선실
2. (항공기의) 선실
a log cabin
3. (보통 나무로 된) 오두막집
a log cabin

loot [luːt] 
1. (폭동화재 등이 났을 때 상점건물에서 물건을) 훔치다[약탈하다]
[VN] More than 20 shops were looted.
스무 곳이 넘는 상점이 약탈당했다. [also V]

redheaded : 머리털이 빨간; 머리가 붉은

rummage [ˈrʌmɪdʒ] 
1. 뒤지다
She was rummaging around in her bag for her keys.
그녀는 열쇠를 찾아 가방 안을 이리저리 뒤지고 있었다.
1. 뒤지기
Have a rummage around in the drawer and see if you can find a pen.
서랍을 이리저리 뒤져서 펜이 있는지 한번 봐.

1. 주근깨 투성이의 얼굴을 한, 얼굴이 주근깨 투성이인.

blotchy [ˈblɑː-] 
1. 얼룩덜룩한, 얼룩진
her blotchy and swollen face
반점이 돋고 부어 오른 그녀의 얼굴

scraggly [ˈskræɡli]
1. [美, 비격식]듬성듬성[들쭉날쭉] 자란
a scraggly beard
듬성듬성 자란 수염

jabbed : 콱 찌르다; 콱 들이박다; 재빠르게 쥐어박다; 잽을 먹이다

livestock [-stɑːk] 
1. 가축

blast : 센 바람; 돌풍; 폭발; 폭풍; 폭파

shattered [-tərd] 
1. 엄청난 충격을 받은
The experience left her feeling absolutely shattered.
그 경험은 그녀를 그야말로 완전히 뒤흔들어 놓았다.
2. [英, 비격식]완전히 지친exhausted

whacked [wækt]
1. [대개 명사 앞에는 안 씀][英, 비격식]몹시 지친, 기진맥진한
I’m whacked!
난 기진맥진이야!

leap [liːp] 
1. (높이길게) 뛰다, 뛰어오르다[넘다]
[V + adv. / prep.] A dolphin leapt out of the water.
돌고래 한 마리가 물 밖으로 뛰어올랐다.
2. (서둘러) …하다
She leapt out of bed.
그녀는 서둘러 침대에서 일어났다.
3. 급증[급등]하다shoot up
Shares leapt in value from 476p to close at 536p.
주가가 급등하며 476펜스에서 536펜스로 마감했다.
1. 높이[멀리]뛰기, 도약
a leap of six metres
6미터 멀리뛰기
2. 급증, 급등quantum leap
a leap in profits
수익 급증

bare [ber] 
1. 벌거벗은, 맨–barefoot
She likes to walk around in bare feet.
그녀는 맨발로 걸어 다니길 좋아한다
bare : 빈; 가까스로의; 발괆은; 살을 드러낸; 헐벗은

1. 겹쳐진

droplet [ˈdrɑːp-] 
1. 작은 (물)방울

1. []흠뻑 젖은. 비슷한 단어로는 soaked가 있다.

1. 목걸이
beads : 구슬; 유리알; 비즈; 염주알; 염주

refuge [ˈrefjuːdʒ] 
1. 피난(처), 피신(처), 도피(처)
A further 300 people have taken refuge in the US embassy.
추가로 300명의 사람들이 미국 대사관으로 피신했다.
2. 은신처[보호막]가 되어 주는 곳[사람/사물]
He regarded the room as a refuge from the outside world.
그는 그 방을 바깥세상으로부터 자신을 보호해 주는 곳으로 여겼다.
3. (단기적으로 지낼 곳이 되어 주는) 보호 시설, 쉼터
a women’s refuge
여성 보호 시설[쉼터]

delirious [dɪˈlɪriəs] 
1. (보통 고열로 인해) 의식이 혼미한[헛소리를 하는]
He became delirious and couldn’t recognize people.
그는 의식이 혼미해져서 사람들을 알아보지 못했다.
2. 좋아서 어쩔 줄 모르는, 기뻐 날뛰는
The crowds were delirious with joy.
군중들이 기뻐서 열광했다.

dab [dæb] 
1. (보통 여러 번 가볍게) 만지다[누르다], 토닥거리다
[VN] She dabbed her eyes and blew her nose.
그녀는 눈을 몇 번 눌러 (눈물을) 닦고 코를 풀었다.

indeed [ɪnˈdiːd] 
1. (긍정적인 진술·대답을 강조하여) 정말[확실히]
‘Was he very angry?’ ‘Indeed he was.’
‘그가 화를 많이 냈니?’ ‘정말 많이 냈어.’
1. used to emphasize a statement or answer
 The blood tests prove that Vince is indeed the father.
 ‘Would it help if you had an assistant?’ ‘It would indeed.’
2. used to introduce an additional statement that emphasizes or supports what you have just said
 I didn’t mind at all. Indeed, I was pleased.
3. especially British English used with ‘very’ and an adjective or adverb to emphasize a statement or description
 Most of the essays were very good indeed.
 Thank you very much indeed.
4.British English spoken used to show that you are surprised or annoyed by something that someone has just told you
 ‘He said he was too busy to see you.’ ‘Did he, indeed?’
• Although twenty years have passed since that night, I can still remember everything about it very clearly indeed.
• These are very important propositions indeed.
• Anyway, the first form of Bubo in the film was indeed a real owl.
• A very, very average thing indeed, like a potato.
• And indeed, Rasche was getting closer.
• Minorities are not well represented. Indeed, the city has only one black city council member.
• Longer hours, indeed, would merely mean more unsold coal.
• Being a 3D game, you can view objects from any angle, or indeed yourself!

carton [ˈkɑːrtn] 
1. (특히 음식이나 음료를 담는) 갑[통]; 한 갑(의 양)
a milk carton / a carton of milk
우유갑 하나/우유 한 갑

deprive [dipráiv] 
1. <사람에게서> <물건을> 빼앗다, <권리 등의 행사를> 허용치 않다, 주지 않다 ((of))
( deprive +[목]+[전]+[명] ) deprive a man of his property[life]
…에게서 재산[생명]을 빼앗다
2. 면직[파면]하다, <성직을> 박탈하다

jut [dʒʌt]
1. 돌출하다, 튀어나오다; 돌출시키다, 내밀다protrude, project
[V] A row of small windows jutted out from the roof.
지붕 밖으로 작은 창문들이 한 줄로 돌출되어 있었다.

whip [wɪp] 
1. 채찍
He cracked his whip and the horse leapt forward.
그가 채찍을 찰싹 갈기자 말이 앞으로 풀쩍 뛰었다.

pal [pæl] 
1. 친구pen pal
We’ve been pals for years.
우리는 친구로 지낸 지 여러 해이다.

bet : 걸다; 내기를 걸다; 내기; 단언하다; 보증하다

insulting [ɪnˈsʌltɪŋ]
1. 모욕적인
insulting remarks
모욕적인 말

bit : 물다; 묾; 한 입; 물어뜯다; 물어 끊다

bite into
1. (표면에) 자국을 내다[파고들다]
The horses’ hooves bit deep into the soft earth.
부드러운 땅에 말의 발굽 자국이 깊이 패였다.
 She bit into a croissant and took a sip of coffee.
 An adult conger eel can easily bite through a man’s leg.
 Nina pushed her fist into her mouth and bit down hard.

lay off 
1. (명령형으로 쓰여) (~을) 그만둬[해]
Lay off me will you—it’s nothing to do with me.
날 좀 그만 내버려 둬, 응. 그건 나와 아무 상관없잖아.

snapped : 홱 잡다; 물다; 스냅; 스냅 사진; 잡아채다

fool around
1. (할 일을 안 하고) 노닥거리다
She’s been fooling around with a married man.
2. (이성과) 놀아나다mess around
She’s been fooling around with a married man.
그녀는 어떤 유부남하고 놀아나고 있어.

astonishment [əˈstɑːn-] 
1. 깜짝[크게] 놀람amazement
To my utter astonishment, she remembered my name.
정말 너무 놀랍게도 그녀가 내 이름을 기억하고 있었다.

bully [ˈbʊli] 
1. (약자를) 괴롭히는 사람
the school bully
학교에서 아이들을 괴롭히는 학생

feeble [ˈfiːbl] 
1. 아주 약한
a feeble old man
기력이 없는 노인
2. (효과·의지 등이) 허약한, 미미한
a feeble argument / excuse / joke
허약한[설득력 없는] 주장/변명/농담

1. 일진광풍, 질풍, 강풍, 돌풍(gust); (질풍이 따른) 소나기, 눈보라
2. 혼란, 동요
3. [증권](시장의) 소공황(小恐慌)
1. 당황하게 하다, 쩔쩔매게 하다, 동요케 하다, 낭패 보게 하다

pressed [prest] 
1. [명사 앞에는 안 씀](특히 시간·돈이) 충분하지 않은[궁한]hard-pressed
I’m really pressed for cash at the moment.
내가 지금 당장은 정말 현금이 궁하다.
2. 납작하게 만든[누른]; 다림질한
pictures made with pressed flowers
납작하게 누른 꽃으로 만든 그림

slammed : 쾅; 탕 닫다; 털썩 내려놓다; 세차게 밟다; 내동댕이치다

pound  [páund] 
1. <문 등을> 마구 치다[두드리다]; 두드려 부수다; <피아노·타이프라이터 등을> 세게 치다
( pound+[목]+[전]+[명] ) pound out a foxtrot on the piano
피아노로 폭스트롯을 연주하다

gagging : 재갈; 입을 막다; 입마개; 입막음; 언론 압박

pry : 엿보다; 탐색하다; 동정을 살피다; 파고들다; 꼬치꼬치 캐다

charge into
1. …로 뛰어들다.

choke [tʃoʊk] 
1. 숨이 막히다, 질식할 지경이다; 질식시키다
[V] He was choking on a piece of toast.
그는 토스트 한 조각이 목에 걸려 숨을 쉬지 못하고 있었다.
2. 목을 조르다strangle
He may have been choked or poisoned.
그는 목이 졸렸거나 독살되었을 수 있다.
3. (감정에 겨워 목이나 목소리가) 메다, 잠기다; 메이게[잠기게] 하다choked
[V] His voice was choking with rage.
그는 격분해서 목소리가 제대로 나오지 않았다.
1. (자동차 엔진의) 공기 흡입 조절 장치
2. 숨이 막힘, 질식; (숨이 막혀) 캑캑거리는 소리

pistol [ˈpɪstl]
1. 권총, 피스톨water pistol
an automatic pistol
자동 권총

drawn : 당기다; 끌다; 잡아빼다; 긷다; 내다

holster [ˈhoʊ-] 
1. (벨트에 차는, 가죽으로 된) 권총집

riot : 폭동; 소요; 소동; 술 마시고 떠듦; 야단법석

strangled : 목졸라 죽이다; 질식시키다; 조르다; 죄다; 억제하다

crumpled [krʌ́mpld] 
1. <쇠뿔 등이> 뒤틀린; 쭈글쭈글한, 주름살투성이의

drew : 당기다; 끌다; 잡아빼다; 긷다; 내다

cluster : 송이; 떼; 무리; 집단; 연속 발생
cluster [ˈklʌstə(r)] 
1. (함께 자라거나 나타나는) 무리, (작은 열매의) 송이
a cluster of stars
별 무리[성단]
2. (조밀하게 모여 있는 사람동물 등의) 무리
a cluster of spectators
한 무리의 관중
3. [음성]자음군(string에서의 str처럼 연이어 나타나는 자음들)
a consonant cluster
1. 무리를 이루다, (소규모로) 모이다
The children clustered together in the corner of the room.
아이들은 방 한쪽 구석에 함께 모여 있었다.


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