
영어 3

[기사읽기] Gareth Southgate: England manager on decision to stay, World Cup & human rights

Gareth Southgate: England manager on decision to stay, World Cup & human rights By Dan RoanBBC sports editor Last updated on26 January 202326 January 2023.From the sectionEngland Gareth Southgate considered stepping down as England boss because of criticism he faced before the World Cup, saying: "The last thing you want as a manager is that your presence is divisive and inhibits performance." En..

영어/기사읽기 2023.01.27

[기사읽기] Eight-year-old Indian diamond heiress who became a nun

Eight-year-old Indian diamond heiress who became a nun Share IMAGE SOURCE,RUPESH SONAWANE Image caption, Devanshi Sanghvi was born to a life of luxury By Geeta Pandey BBC News, Delhi Eight-year-old Devanshi Sanghvi could have grown up to run a multi-million dollar diamond business. But the daughter of a wealthy Indian diamond merchant is now living a spartan life - dressed in coarse white saris,..

영어/기사읽기 2023.01.25


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영어/원서읽기 2020.10.30