[Book]What Does It Mean To Be Kind? What Does It Mean To Be Kind? Lexile® 측정:430 텍스트 난이도:1-2 경기도사이버도서관 https://cyberlibrary.overdrive.com/media/2969278?cid=1365424 Gyeonggi-do Cyber Library Gyeonggi-do Cyber Library 디지털 컬렉션에서 타이틀을 탐색, 대여하고 즐기십시오. cyberlibrary.overdrive.com 영어/원서읽기 2024.03.23
Wonder p.1~38/314 단어 리뷰 Doctors have come from distant cities Fate smiled and destiny laughed as she came to my cradle . . . I'm kind of used to how I look by now Next week I start fifth grade. Since I've never been to a real school before, I am pretty much totally and completely petrified Mom homeschools me What I wanted was to go to school, but only if I could be like every other kid going to school we used to have .. 영어/원서읽기 2021.08.28
Charlotte's Web 19~22 리뷰 Charlotte's Web sentences 19-22 Chaper 19 the sparrows stirred in the trees the cows rattled their chains the rooster crowed It was a sort of sac, or cocoon. “Are you awake, Charlotte?” “What is that nifty little thing? Did you make it?” “I did indeed,” “Is it a plaything?” “Plaything? I should say not. It is my egg sac, my magnum opus.” “It means ‘great work.’ “What’s inside it?” “What makes yo.. 영어/원서읽기 2020.12.29
Charlotte's Web 14~18 리뷰 Charlotte's Web sentences 14-18 Chaper 14 Charlotte never fibs. One day she was hanging around on the web and a tiny fish leaped into the air and got tangled in the web. dodging out mercilessly wildly thrashing fish ~is carried aloft on the wind. Her mother dusted the sitting room. "How enchanting!" "They say he's quite a pig." "What's miraculous about a spider's web?" "But I can crochet a doily.. 영어/원서읽기 2020.12.28
Charlotte's Web 7~13 리뷰 Charlotte's Web sentences 7-13 Chaper 7 Flies spent their time pestering others. The horses detested them. The sheep loathed them. she always put her victim to sleep before eating it. “I always give them an anaesthetic so they won’t feel pain. It’s a little service I throw in.” “Seems to me you’re putting on weight.” “You know why they’re fattening you up, don’t you?” Fern grew rigid on her st.. 영어/원서읽기 2020.12.26
Charlotte's Web 1~6 리뷰 Charlotte's Web sentences 1-6 Chaper 1 WHERE’S Papa going with that ax? “Out to the hoghouse,” one of the pigs is a runt. “Do away with it?” shrieked Fern. “You mean kill it? Mrs. Arable put a pitcher of cream on the table. Fern’s sneakers were sopping by the time she caught up with her father. “Please don’t kill it!” she sobbed. she took hold of the ax Now run along! “The pig couldn’t help bein.. 영어/원서읽기 2020.12.24
Holes 46~50 리뷰 Holes sentences 46-50 The lizard which had been in the cereal box was springing toward him. Mr. Sir shot it in midair. Stanley felt the blast shatter the air around him. The lizards scurried frantically across his very still body. He did not flinch. Mr. Sir lit a cigarette. Mr. Pendanski laughed grimly. "I've waited this long, I can wait another few . . ." Her voice trailed off. Stanley felt a l.. 영어/원서읽기 2020.12.22
Holes 41~45 리뷰 Holes sentences 41-45 It contained almost two feet of murky water. Both boys were barefoot. They didn't dip their socks into the hole, afraid to contaminate the water. If I'd just gone by myself, they would have asked me a bunch of questions. "Did they fit you?" "Pretty much." Stanley remembered being surprised at Clyde Livingston's small shoe size. If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, .. 영어/원서읽기 2020.12.21
Holes 36~40 리뷰 Holes sentences 36-40 He clutched his stomach as he let himself fall to the ground. He'd make a mental snapshot of how it looked, then wait maybe ten minutes before looking at it again, to see if it seemed closer. "I bet she was pretty," said Zero. "Somebody must have loved her a lot, to name a boat after her." Zero used the shovel as a third leg. Two legs weren't enough to keep him up. Zero kne.. 영어/원서읽기 2020.12.20
Holes 31~35 리뷰 Holes sentences 31-35 As he dug, he kept a constant watchout for Zero, but never saw him. Mr. Pendanski's face was so swollen, he could barely open his eyes. They were just slits. "He's a ward of the state," "Can you get into the state files from our computer?" Two days later a new kid was assigned to Group D. Vacancies don't last long at Camp Green Lake. Twitch had been arrested for stealing .. 영어/원서읽기 2020.12.19