
Holes 46~50 리뷰

luluralra 2020. 12. 22. 10:00

Holes sentences 46-50


The lizard which had been in the cereal box was springing toward him.

Mr. Sir shot it in midair. Stanley felt the blast shatter the air around him. The lizards scurried frantically across his very still body. He did not flinch.

Mr. Sir lit a cigarette.

Mr. Pendanski laughed grimly.

"I've waited this long, I can wait another few . . ." Her voice trailed off.

Stanley felt a lizard crawl in and out of his pocket.

initiate an investigation

"Why aren't you dead yet?"

the lizards etched into his brain.

all bundled up in a snowsuit.

He and his mother were walking, hand in hand, mitten in mitten, when they both slipped on some ice and fell and rolled down a snow-covered hillside.

He could see flecks of snow on his mother's bright and cheery face.

He glanced at Zero. A lizard was perched on his shoulder.

giving Stanley the thumbs-up sign.

His legs were sore from remaining rigid for so long.

Standing still was more strenuous than walking.

The lizards didn't seem to mind.

The Warden had dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep, and lines across her forehead and face which seemed exaggerated in the stark morning light. Her skin looked blotchy.

Sometime later Stanley saw a tarantula crawl across the dirt, not too far from his hole.

He was momentarily fascinated by it, as its big hairy body moved slowly and steadily along.

It was merely pushing off.

It leapt off Stanley's neck and pounced on the tarantula.

"My legs are numb," said Zero.

As he tried to pull himself up, using just his arms, he felt a claw dig into his ankle.

Had he been working on that all night?

She spoke with a little bit of a Mexican accent, trilling her r's. "What in tarnation?" the tall man exclaimed, as he came up behind her. She turned on him.

Child abuse. False imprisonment. Torture.

"How long have they been in there?"

They snuck into my cabin while I was asleep, and stole my suitcase. I chased after them, and they ran out here and fell into the lizards' nest.

"Yes, it is," the Warden agreed, with just a trace of disappointment in her voice.

"And they better come out of this alive,"

some of my valuables

He's been delirious for the last week.

"Authenticated? It was signed by the judge who sentenced him."

"It was not authenticated," the Warden said. "How do I know it's legitimate? The boys in my custody have proven themselves dangerous to society. Am I supposed to just turn them loose any time someone hands me a piece of paper?"

He's been suffering from hallucinations and delirium. Ranting and raving. He was in no condition to leave. 

He swung his legs up and over, and the last of the lizards hopped off.

The lizards, which had been hiding under it, scurried quickly into the hole.

Stanley and Zero staggered away.

He was so tired he couldn't think straight. He felt as if he was walking in a dream, not quite able to comprehend what was going on around him.

The Warden seemed as dazed as Stanley.

"I have the right to check the personal property of any of the detainees. How do I know there aren't drugs or weapons in there? He stole a car, too! I've got witnesses!" She was nearly hysterical. "He is no longer under your jurisdiction," said Stanley's lawyer.

His eyes shifted toward Mr. Pendanski on one side of him, then to the Warden and Mr. Sir on the other.

"You are released pursuant to an order from the judge."

She looked at him blankly. "Well?"

The Attorney General was outraged.

"I assume the phone works." He walked into the camp office, slamming the door behind him. A little while later he reappeared and told the Warden he wanted to talk to her. She cursed, then went inside.

"Stanley is being released today," "Way to go,"

"Will you do me a favor?" "I guess," Stanley agreed, somewhat hesitantly.

The boys departed when the Warden came out of the office.

"So you have no claim of authority over him?"

"How long has he been here?"

So what are you planning to do with him? Keep him confined indefinitely, without justification

He was obviously incarcerated for a reason.

the townsfolk

Walter looked around unsure, as Bo and Jesse laughed. Even Mary Lou let out a rare hee-haw.

You got to get it into your bloodstream.

"No offense, but you boys really smell bad."

Ms. Morengo explained that she was a patent attorney.

Stanley felt his ears redden.

eliminates foot odor

You two could bathe in it.

Stanley's mother insists that there never was a curse.

the answers tend to be long and tedious.

But those changes are subtle and hard to measure.

Even the contents of the suitcase turned out to be somewhat tedious.

Stanley's father pried it open in his workshop, and at first everyone gasped at the sparkling jewels.

These consisted of stock certificates, deeds of trust, and promissory notes.

But not a lot less.

a commercial came on the screen.

"Safe!" shouted the umpire as he signaled with his arms.

As he made his way back to the dugout, he spoke to the camera.

"They used to smell so bad that nobody would sit near me in the dugout." "They really did stink," She held her nose with one hand, and fanned the air with the other. Clyde shushed her.

"A treat for your feet. Made from all natural ingredients, it neutralizes odor-causing fungi and bacteria. Plus, you'll like the tingle."

He patted Stanley on the shoulder as he rose from the couch.

He felt himself blush, and turned away toward Hector

A woman sitting in the chair behind Hector was absent-mindedly fluffing his hair with her fingers.

She wasn't very old, but her skin had a weathered look to it, almost like leather.

Her eyes seemed weary

she half sang, half hummed a song

Holes words 46-50

springing : 튀다; 뜀; 뛰어오름; 튐; 봄

midair : 공중; 중천

shatter : 파편; 산산이 부수다; 분쇄하다; 파괴하다; 좌절시키다

scurried : 허둥지둥 달리다; 잰 걸음으로 서두르다; 흩날리다; 총총걸음; 총총걸음으로 달림

frantically : 미친 듯이; 극도로 흥분하여; 굉장히; 몹시

flinch : 주춤하다; 기가 꺾이다; 위축되다; 겁내어 피하다; 움찔하다

1. light의 과거, 과거분사

grimly : 잔인하게; 엄하게; 무섭게; 험악하게; 으스스하게

1. [격식]개시되게 하다, 착수시키다set in motion
to initiate legal proceedings against sb
…에 대한 법적 절차를 개시하다

etched : 식각하다; 선명하게 그리다; 마음에 새기다

bundle up
1. []옷을 껴입다, 옷을 두껍게 입다, 옷을 따뜻하게 입다

mitten [ˈmɪtn]
1. 벙어리장갑

hillside : 산허리; 구릉의 중턱

flecks : 얼룩점; 반점; 얼룩; 주근깨; 작은 조각

cheery : 기분 좋은; 명랑한; 원기 있는

perched [pɜːrtʃt] 
1. 특히 새가…에 앉아 있는
There was a bird perched on the roof.
지붕 위에 새 한마리가 앉아 있었다.
2. (높은 곳에 위태롭게) 위치한[자리한]
a hotel perched high on the cliffs
절벽 위에 높이 자리 잡고 있는 호텔

overheard : 우연히 듣다; 어쩌다가 듣다; 엿듣다; 도청하다

make sense 
1. 의미가 통하다[이해가 되다]
This sentence doesn’t make sense.
이 문장은 의미가 통하지 않는다.
2. 타당하다[말이 되다]
It makes sense to buy the most up-to-date version.
가장 최신판을 사는 것이 타당하다.
3. 이해[설명]하기 쉽다
John wasn’t making much sense on the phone.
존이 전화로 하는 말은 잘 이해를 할 수가 없었다.

rigid : 단단한; 딱딱한; 엄격한; 고정된; 경식의

strenuous : 분투적인; 불요불굴의; 굽히지 않는; 분투를 요하는; 격렬한

exaggerated : 과장하다; 침소봉대하여 말하다; 지나치게 강조하다; 과대시하다; 악화시키다

stark : 황량한; 적나라한; 굳어진; 장식이 없는; 휑한

blotchy : 부스럼투성이의

tarantula : 타란툴라거미

momentarily : 잠시; 잠깐; 이제나저제나 하고; 시시각각으로; 순간적으로

merely : 단지; 다만

leap off 
1. 뛰어내리다

numb : 곱은; 언; 감각을 잃은; 마비된; 무딘

trilling : 떨리는 소리; 지저귐; 트릴; 전음; 우는 소리

tarnation [tɑːrˈn-] 
1. [구식, 특히 美]빌어먹을

child abuse
아동 학대

false imprisonment 
1. [법률]불법 감금

torture [ˈtɔːrtʃ-] 
1. 고문
Many of the refugees have suffered torture.
그 난민들 중 많은 이들이 고문을 당했다.

sneak into
1. []...에 몰래 들어가다.

hallucinations : 환각; 환상; 잘못된 생각; 곡두; 망상

delirium : 섬망 상태; 정신 착란; 맹렬한 흥분; 광란; 광희

ranting : 고함치다; 폭언하다; 호통치다; 장담하다; 야단치다

raving : 헛소리하다; 지껄이다; 떠들다; 소리치다; 고함치다

hopped : 깡충 뛰다; 비행기로 …에 가다; 단기간 여행하다; 이륙하다; 연속으로 …하고 다니다

scurried : 허둥지둥 달리다; 잰 걸음으로 서두르다; 흩날리다; 총총걸음; 총총걸음으로 달림

comprehend : 이해하다; 파악하다; 포함하다; 함축하다

detainees : 구류자; 억류자

hysterical : 히스테리성의; 병적으로 흥분한; 이성을 잃은; 감정적이 된; 히스테리에 걸린

jurisdiction : 사법권; 지배; 관할; 권한; 관할권

shifted : 바꾸다; 물건을 이동시키다; 바뀌다; 변화; 교체

pursuant : 준하여; 따라서; 후에; 이어서

blankly : 멍하니; 우두커니; 딱 잘라서; 완전히

outraged : 불법; 무도; 난폭; 범하다; 폭행하다

slamming : 쾅; 탕 닫다; 털썩 내려놓다; 세차게 밟다; 내동댕이치다

reappeared : 재현하다

way to go
1. 잘 했어!
Good work, guys! Way to go!
잘 했어, 자네들! 아주 잘 했어!

claim : 주장하다; 요구; 청구; 주장; 권리

authority : 권위; 권한; 당국; 권위자; 권력

confined : 한정하다; 가두다; 제한하다; 감금하다; 경계

indefinitely : 불명확하게; 막연히; 무기한으로

justification : 정당화; 정당성을 증명함; 변명; 변명의 사유; 의인

incarcerated : 투옥하다; 감금하다; 투옥된; 죄인의

townsfolk : TOWNSPEOPLE

hee-haw [ˈhiːhɔː]
1. 히이 힝(당나귀의 울음소리를 나타내는 소리)
1. [스코틀랜드, 구어]전혀
I don't like chocolate hee-haw.
나는 초콜릿을 전혀 좋아하지 않는다.

bloodstream : 피의 흐름; 혈류

offense : 위반; 공격; 반칙; 위법 행위; 범죄

1. 특허권[증]
to apply for/obtain a patent on an invention
발명품에 대해 특허권을 신청하다/획득하다
1. 특허의
patent applications / laws
특허 신청/특허법
2. 상품이전매특허품인
patent medicines
전매특허 의약품
3. [격식]뻔한, 명백한blatant
It was a patent lie.
그것은 뻔한 거짓말이었다.

redden : 붉게 하다; 얼굴 붉히게 하다; 붉어지다; 얼굴을 붉히다; 빨개지다

bathe : 목욕시키다; 씻다; 담그다; 적시다; 뒤덮다

tedious : 지루한; 지겨운; 진저리나는; 장황한

subtle : 미묘한; 민감한; 포착하기 어려운; 불가사의한; 이해하기 어려운

pried : 엿보다; 탐색하다; 동정을 살피다; 파고들다; 꼬치꼬치 캐다

gasped : 헐떡거림; 헐떡거리다; 숨이 막히다; 숨막힘; 헐떡거리며 하는 짧은 말

deeds : 행위; 업적; 공적; 실행; 사실

promissory : 약속하는; 약속의; 약속의 성격을 띤; 지불을 약속하는

amid : …의 한복판에; …이 한창일 때에

umpire : 심판; 판정자; 엄파이어; 심판인; 재정인

dugout : 호; 마상이; 방공호; 참호; 더그아웃

shushed : 쉬잇하여 입다물게 하다; 입다물다; 조용해지다; 쉬잇하는 신호

tingle : 따끔따끔 아프다; 쑤시다; 얼얼하다; 아리다; 욱신거리다

neutralizes : 중립화하다; 무효화하다; 지우다; 제압하다; 무력화하다

fungi : 진균류; 효모균; 균; 버섯; 갑자기 생기는 것

tingle : 따끔따끔 아프다; 쑤시다; 얼얼하다; 아리다; 욱신거리다

patted : 톡톡 가볍게 치다; 토닥거리다; 가볍게 두드려 …이 되게 하다; 매만지다; 가볍게 치다

uncertainly [-ˈsɜːrtn-] 
1. 자신 없게, 머뭇거리며hesitantly
They smiled uncertainly at one another.
그들은 머뭇거리며 서로 미소를 지어 보였다.

1. 방심하여, 멍하니, 넋을 잃고

fluffing : 보풀; 솜털; 잔털; 갓 난 수염; 시시한 일

weathered [wéðərd] 
1. <바위가> 풍화된; 비바람에 씻긴
2. <목재가> 천연 건조된, (목재를 인공적으로 처리해서) 오래된 것처럼 보이게 한
3. [건축]물매를 준

weary : 피곤한; 지친; 기진맥진한; 싫증이 난; 지루한

hummed : 윙윙거리다; 윙윙; 왁자지껄하다; 웅성대다; 웅얼웅얼 말하다


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