Holes sentences 21-25
Stanley looked out through the haze of heat
It probably wasn't a whole lot different from the way he himself felt now.
He ended up marrying one of the nurses.
Stanley heard a twitching sound.
A rattlesnake lay coiled beneath his foot.
Its tail was pointed upward, rattling.
Stanley backed his leg away, then turned and ran. The rattlesnake didn't chase after him. It had rattled its tail to warn him to
stay away.
"Thanks for the warning," Stanley whispered as his heart pounded.
The rattlesnake would be a lot more dangerous if it didn't have a rattle.
What'd the Warden say? What'd you tell her?
"Good going,"
"What'd she do?"
He didn't feel like going into details.
It had been three days since the laundry was done, so even his clean set was dirty and smelly.
"He's a mole," Zigzag had said. "I think he eats dirt." "Worms eat dirt." "Are you a mole or a worm?" Zero had said nothing.
Stanley never even thanked him.
"Thanks," he said as Zero entered through the tent flap.
"Why'd you help me?" "You didn't steal the sunflower seeds," "So, neither did you,"
Stanley almost ran into him.
"I don't know if I know how to teach, but I'm not that worn-out today, since you dug a lot of my hole."
For a second, he thought he saw a flash of defiance in Zero's eyes, but then it passed.
He gave Zero a piece of paper, and took a piece for himself.
Stanley told him he needed to write smaller, or else they'd run out of paper real quick.
Zero nodded as if he understand, but Stanley knew he had made very little sense.
He printed a lowercase a, and Zero copied it.
He had Zero write a few more upper- and lowercase A's, and then he moved on to a capital B.
Five capitals and five smalls.
He closed his eyes, and images from the Warden's cabin floated inside his head
He felt a jolt of astonishment.
they knew none could be as delicious as hers.
Every summer Miss Katherine would pick bushels of peaches and preserve them in jars with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and other spices which she kept secret. The jarred peaches would last all winter.
The roof leaked. The windows wouldn't open. The door hung crooked on its bent hinges.
She taught classes in the evening for adults
This wasn't entirely Trout's fault. He had an incurable foot fungus.
In fact, it was the same foot fungus that a hundred and ten years later would afflict the famous ballplayer Clyde Livingston.
Trout would brag
He talked in class and was disrespectful of the students around him.
farms and ranches
hadn't had much schooling
He seemed to be proud of his stupidity.
It made a horrible loud noise and spewed ugly black smoke over the beautiful lake.
Trout had always gotten everything he ever wanted. He found it hard to believe that Miss Katherine had turned him down.
Stanley was half asleep as he got in line for breakfast, but the sight of Mr. Sir awakened him.
The left side of Mr. Sir's face had swollen to the size of half a cantaloupe.
There were three dark-purple jagged lines running down his cheek where the Warden had scratched him.
Mr. Sir ladled some oatmeal-like stuff into his bowl.
There was a crash. "Is something wrong with my face?" The boy tried to speak but couldn't. Mr. Sir had him by the throat.
"Does anyone see anything wrong with my face?" asked Mr. Sir, as he continued to choke the boy. Nobody said anything.
"How does my face look to you now?"
A gurgling sound came out of the boy's mouth, then he managed to gasp the word, "Fine."
He worked as hard and as fast as he could, not trying to pace himself.
Besides, he knew he'd get a break.
No one even dared to look at his grotesque face.
As Stanley waited, he ran his tongue over the roof of his mouth and inside his cheeks.
His mouth was as dry and as parched as the lake
The bright sun reflected off the side mirror of the truck, and Stanley had to shield his eyes with his hand.
Mr. Sir opened the nozzle, and the water flowed out of the tank, but it did not go into Stanley's canteen.
Instead, he held the canteen right next to the stream of water.
Stanley watched the water splatter on the dirt, where it was quickly absorbed by the thirsty ground.
"There, that should be plenty." He handed Stanley his empty canteen.
Mary Lou pulled a cart full of onions.
Once or twice a week he would tow across the lake and pick a new batch to fill the cart.
onions were good for the digestion
She's never been sick a day in her life.
He also had many different ointments, lotions, syrups, and pastes all made out of onion juice
This one cured asthma.
Another was a remedy for arthritis.
He even had a special ointment which he claimed would cure baldness.
Doc Hawthorn did not resent Sam.
"You seem distracted." "Oh, just the weather," "It looks like rain clouds moving in."
"It's just that the roof leaks in the schoolhouse."
Katherine couldn't help but notice his strong, firm hands.
He agreed to fix the leaky roof in exchange for six jars of spiced peaches.
It took Sam a week to fix the roof, because he could only work in the afternoons, after school let out and before night classes began.
The children and I would enjoy a breeze now and then."
When the windows were fixed, she complained that her desk wobbled.
She'd run out of things needing to be fixed.
She sat at her desk one afternoon, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain on the roof. No water leaked into the classroom, except for the few drops that came from her eyes.
"My heart is breaking." She turned to him. He took hold of both of her hands, and kissed her.
Because of the rain, there was nobody else out on the street.
She pointed her quivering finger in their direction and whispered, "God will punish you!"
Holes words 21-25
haze [héiz]
1. 아지랑이, 안개, 연무; 아지랑이[안개, 연무] 모양의 것; 엷은 연기
the haze of cigarette smoke
담배의 옅은 연기
twitch [twɪtʃ]
1. 씰룩거리다, 경련하다
[V] Her lips twitched with amusement.
그녀는 재미있어서 입술이 씰룩거렸다.
2. 홱 잡아채다[잡아당기다]; 홱 당겨지다
[VN] He twitched the package out of my hands.
그가 내 손에서 그 꾸러미를 홱 잡아챘다.
1. 씰룩거림, 경련
She has a twitch in her left eye.
그녀는 왼쪽 눈이 씰룩거린다.
2. 까딱 함; (갑작스런) 느낌
He greeted us with a mere twitch of his head.
그는 겨우 고개만 까딱 하며 우리에게 인사를 했다.
• A muscle on Yang's face twitched.
• Limp and relaxed, my jaw was beginning to twitch.
• The muscles of Artai's head and shoulders seemed to twitch.
• The spiders reach the joining at the trunk and settle there, twitching.
• Mac was very nervous. A muscle on his face began to twitch.
• My right eyelid wouldn't stop twitching.
• He was quiet, and his eyes were twitching.
• Roberta's mouth twitched as she tried to stop herself laughing out loud.
• Hazel stared, twitching his nose.
• Greg's always twitching - it makes me nervous.
• Her buttocks were twitching rhythmically to the music.
• Amanda's legs were so thin ... A muscle in her neck twitched, twitched again.
coil [kɔɪl]
1. (고리 모양으로) 감다, 휘감다
[V + adv. / prep.] The snake coiled up, ready to strike.
뱀이 똬리를 틀고 달려들 기세를 하고 있었다.
The snake coiled around the branches of the tree.
He coiled the rope.
Her long hair was coiled up in a plait at the top of her head.
• He stood for a while watching the headlights coil down the canyon road.
• A student discovered the 12-foot python coiled in a corner of the classroom.
• Rachel didn't like the tension coiling in her stomach at the thought of that.
• As she hurried to grab a taxi to the hotel she could feel her stomach coiling into knots of dread.
• Wrap the bar with heavy string, coiling it tightly for safety.
• Quickly coiling the bow line, he raised the main, then back to the cockpit.
• It took a minute to turn the handle 60 times and fully coil the spring.
• He bumbled around for a bit, trying to coil up the string and push the wood into tidy heaps.
rattling : 왈각달각 소리나다; 덜걱덜걱 움직이다; 덜걱거리며 달리다; 힘차게 차를 몰다; 달리다
if your heart or blood is pounding, your heart is beating very hard and quickly
Patrick rushed to the door, his heart pounding with excitement.
She ran, her heart pounding in her chest.
mole [moʊl]
1. 두더지molehill
defiance [dɪˈfaɪəns]
1. (공개적으로 하는) 반항[저항]
a look/an act/a gesture of defiance
반항하는 눈빛[표정]/행동/몸짓
proper noun
고유 명사 (→abstract noun, common noun)
lowercase [lóuərkèis]
1. [인쇄]소문자의, 소문자로 인쇄한[짠, 쓴]
lowercase letters
float [floʊt]
1. (물 위나 공중에서) 떠[흘러]가다[떠돌다]drift
A group of swans floated by.
한 무리의 백조들이 물 위를 떠갔다
jolt [dʒoʊlt]
(특히 어떤 행동조치를 취하도록) 충격을 주다[정신이 번쩍 들게 하다]
[VN] His remark jolted her into action.
그의 말에 그녀는 정신이 번쩍 들어 행동을 취했다.
astonishment [əˈstɑːn-]
1. 깜짝[크게] 놀람amazement
To my utter astonishment, she remembered my name.
정말 너무 놀랍게도 그녀가 내 이름을 기억하고 있었다.
1. 부셀: 곡물량의 단위로 약 36리터
clove [kloʊv]
1. 정향(열대성 정향나무의 꽃을 말린 것. 향신료로 씀)
nutmeg [ˈnʌtmeɡ]
1. 육두구(육두구 나무의 열매로 양념·향미료로 쓰임)
freshly grated nutmeg
갓 간 육두구
crooked [ˈkrʊkɪd]
1. 비뚤어진, 구부러진
a crooked nose / smile
비뚤어진 코/뒤틀린 미소
2. 부정직한
a crooked businessman / deal
부정직한 사업가/거래
3. [호주 영어, 비격식]짜증나는
It’s not you I’m crooked on, it’s him.
내가 짜증나는 건 너가 아냐. 그 사람이야.
incurable [-ˈkjʊr-]
1. 치유할 수 없는, 불치의
an incurable disease/illness
2. 바꿀 수 없는, 구제 불능의incorrigible
She’s an incurable optimist.
그녀는 구제 불능의 낙관주의자이다.
fungus [ˈfʌŋɡəs]
1. 균류, 곰팡이류
afflict [əˈflɪkt]
1. [흔히 수동태로][격식]괴롭히다, 피해를 입히다
About 40% of the country’s population is afflicted with the disease.
그 나라 인구의 40% 정도가 그 질병으로 고통받고 있다.
• A similar problem may be afflicting the Telnet application.
• Primary pulmonary hypertension is extremely rare, afflicting about 1,500 people in the United States.
• Apparently, mental illness is one of the few diseases requiring hospitalization where those afflicted are released before they are cured.
• He is rueful, polite, mildly disappointed, and afflicted by a low-key melancholy.
• This type of pneumonia frequently afflicts elderly people.
• Nerves afflict everyone in some way, and without them acting would be the poorer.
• Kidney stone disease afflicts mostly men between 20 and 55.
• This particular example highlights two additional shortcomings which afflict our conventional political institutions.
be afflicted with/by something
• Constant mulling had left Father Vic afflicted with a wide array of nervous tics, small flinches and exasperated sighs.
• He is rueful, polite, mildly disappointed, and afflicted by a low-key melancholy.
• She was a strange little girl, advanced for her age and surprisingly sensible for one afflicted with the symptoms of epilepsy.
• Venus, however, is afflicted with a lethally hot and corrosive atmosphere.
• All are afflicted with a rise in overcrowded classrooms, teacher layoffs, and the other crises that accompany financial cutbacks.
• Many are afflicted by alcoholism, drug addiction, and depression.
• Unfortunately it get direct sunlight, and is afflicted with algae.
• I rather think some of them were afflicted with this latter disease.
brag [bræɡ]
1. [못마땅함](심하게) 자랑하다[떠벌리다]boast
[V] He bragged to his friends about the crime.
그가 그 범행을 친구들에게 떠벌렸다. [alsov that,v speech]
disrespectful [dìsrispéktfəl]
1. 무례한, 실례되는, 경멸하는 ((of))
• Obviously, self-respect was not the same as disrespect.
• Spatz was a fool when it came to science, but he knew disrespect when he saw it.
• A: No disrespect to your stepson, but I would leave well enough alone.
• When he jokingly referred to the story that he was descended from the Devil he meant no disrespect to his ancestor Woden.
• It is with no disrespect to her that I give him preference.
• Shared laughter in difficult times is not a sign of disrespect for the pain of the situation.
• Critchley was always vulnerable because of his irreverent humour, which could lead to incautious and overt disrespect.
• Teenagers who show disrespect for authority are more likely to get involved in drugs.
• One can only assume that the Roman officials exceeded their authority and treated the royal family with disrespect.
ranch [ræntʃ]
1. (특히 북미·오스트레일리아의 대규모) 목장dude ranch
a cattle/sheep ranch
소/양 목장
stupidity [stuː-]
1. 어리석음, 어리석은 짓
I couldn’t believe my own stupidity.
나는 내 자신의 어리석음을 믿을 수가 없었다.
2. 우둔함
spew [spjuː]
1. 뿜어져 나오다, 분출되다; 뿜어[토해] 내다, 분출하다
[V] Flames spewed from the aircraft’s engine.
비행기 엔진에서 불길들이 뿜어져 나왔다.
2. [英, 비격식](먹은 것을) 토하다
[V] He spewed up on the pavement.
그는 보도 위에다 토했다.
cantaloupe [ˈkæntəluːp]
1. 칸탈루프(껍질은 녹색에 과육은 오렌지색인 메론)
jagged [ˈdʒæɡɪd]
1. 삐죽삐죽한, 들쭉날쭉한
jagged rocks/peaks/edges
삐죽삐죽한 암석/봉우리/가장자리
ladled : 국자로 뜨다; 푸다; 떠내다; 무차별로 주다
choke [tʃoʊk]
1. 숨이 막히다, 질식할 지경이다; 질식시키다
[V] He was choking on a piece of toast.
그는 토스트 한 조각이 목에 걸려 숨을 쉬지 못하고 있었다.
2. 목을 조르다strangle
He may have been choked or poisoned.
그는 목이 졸렸거나 독살되었을 수 있다.
3. (감정에 겨워 목이나 목소리가) 메다, 잠기다; 메이게[잠기게] 하다choked
[V] His voice was choking with rage.
그는 격분해서 목소리가 제대로 나오지 않았다.
1. 콸콸[졸졸] 흐르는; 목구멍을 울리는 소리로 말하는.
gasp : 헐떡거림; 헐떡거리다; 숨이 막히다; 숨막힘; 헐떡거리며 하는 짧은 말
parched [pɑːrtʃt]
1. (특히 날씨가 더워서) 몹시 건조한[바싹 말라 버린]
dry parched land
몹시 건조한 땅
2. [비격식]몹시 목마른
Let’s get a drink—I’m parched.
우리 한 잔 합시다. 목이 너무 말라요.
splatter [ˈsplætə(r)]
1. 큰 액체 방울이후두둑 떨어지다[치다]
Heavy rain splattered on the roof.
지붕 위로 폭우가 후두둑 쏟아졌다.
2. (물·페인트·흙탕물 등이[을]) 튀다[튀기다]
[VN] The walls were splattered with blood.
벽에는 피가 튀어 있었다.
ointment [ˈɔɪntmənt]
1. 연고cream
antiseptic ointment
살균 연고
asthma [ˈæzmə]
1. 천식
a severe asthma attack
심한 천식 발작
wart [wɔːrt]
1. (피부에 생기는) 무사마귀
arthritis [ɑːrˈθ-]
1. 관절염osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
1. 대머리임 ; 꾸밈 없음.
resent : 분개하다; …에 골내다; 원망하다; 괘씸하게 생각하다
concoction [-ˈkɑːkʃn]
1. (특히 음료나 약물의 특이한) 혼합물
a concoction of cream and rum
크림과 럼주의 혼합물
distracted [dɪˈstræktɪd]
1. (정신이) 산만[산란]해진
breeze : 산들바람; 미풍; 연풍; 시속 4-28마일의 바람; 쉬운 일
wobble [ˈwɑːbl]
1. (불안정하게) 흔들리다[떨리다]; 흔들다, 떨다
[V] This chair wobbles.
이 의자는 흔들흔들한다.
2. (불안하게) 뒤뚱거리며 가다
He wobbled off on his bike.
그는 자전거를 타고 뒤뚱거리며 떠났다.
3. 주저하다, (마음이) 흔들리다
Yesterday the president showed the first signs of wobbling over the issue.
어제 대통령이 그 쟁점에 대해 처음으로 주저하는 기색을 보였다.
craft [kræft]
1. (수)공예arts and crafts
traditional crafts like basket-weaving
바구니 짜기와 같은 전통 수공예
2. (특정 활동에 필요한 모든) 기술[기교]
chefs who learned their craft in top hotels
일류 호텔에서 기술을 배운 요리사들
3. [격식, 못마땅함]술책, 술수
He knew how to win by craft and diplomacy what he could not gain by force.
그는 힘으로 얻을 수 없는 것은 술책과 외교로 얻는 법을 알고 있었다.
1. [주로 수동태로](특히 손으로) 공예품을 만들다, 공들여 만들다fashionhandcrafted
All the furniture is crafted from natural materials.
모든 가구는 천연 제재를 가지고 만든 공예품이다.
jewel [ˈdʒuːəl]
1. 보석gem
The family jewels are locked away in a safe.
2. 보석류, (보석으로 만든) 장신구crown jewels
The family jewels are locked away in a safe.
집안의 보석류는 금고에 넣어 잠가 두었다.
3. (시계의 기계 장치에 쓰는 천연·인조) 보석
admire [ədˈmaɪə(r)]
1. 존경하다, 칭찬하다
I really admire your enthusiasm.
난 당신의 열정을 정말 존경해요.
2. 감탄하며 바라보다
He stood back to admire his handiwork.
그는 뒤로 물러서서 자기 수공품을 감탄스럽게 바라보았다.
pitter-patter [pítərpǽtər]
명사, 부사
1. 후두두, 후드득 ((빗소리)), 후닥닥 ((발소리 등))
quivering [kwívəriŋ]
1. 떨리는, 진동하는, 떨고 있는(trembling)
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