
Netflix 3

[Netflix] Wednesday(웬즈데이)_Ep01-05

[Netflix] Wednesday_Ep01-05 I think you're weird as shit, though. 너 겁나 이상해 The feeling is incredibly mutual. 너도 별반 다르지 않아 ​ ​ Never lose that, Wednesday. 절대 잃지 마, 웬즈데이 Lose what? 뭘요? The ability to not let others define you. It's a gift. 타인이 널 규정하게 두지 않는 거. 그건 재능이야 Doesn't always feel that way. 늘 그런 것 같진 않아요. The most interesting plants grow in the shade. 가장 흥미로운 식물은 그늘 밑에서 자라는 법이지. ​ These are ..

[Netflix] Enola Holmes2(에놀라홈즈2)

[Netflix] Enola Holmes2(에놀라홈즈2) Too many people make it their sole purpose in life to fit into the world around them. 너무나 많은 사람들이 주변 세상에 맞추어 사는 걸 자기 삶의 유일한 목적으로 삼아 This is a mistake. 이건 실수하는 거야 It's your path, Enola. 넌 너의 길을 가렴, 에놀라 Sometimes, you'll stumble. Sometimes, you'll fall. But, no matter how lost you feel, if you stay true to yourself, the path will always find you again. 가끔 비틀거릴 때도 있고..

[Netflix] Enola Holmes(에놀라홈즈)

[Netflix] Enola Holmes(에놀라홈즈) Our future is up to us. There are two paths you can take. Yours.. or the path others choose for you. 우리의 미래는 우리에게 달려 있어. 넌 선택의 갈림길에 서 있어. 네가 정하는길.. 아니면 타인이 네게 정해 주는 길이지. Paint your own picture. Don't be thrown off course by other people. 지조를 지켜라. 남에게 휘둘리면 안 되지 Is this truly the best way to come? Can you think of a better way? I realized that I was scared, scared I w..
