Holes sentences 16-20
The other bodies in the room were little more than bags of flesh and bones, dumped across broken chairs and couches.
Stanley made his way across the room. "Hey, slide on over, Squid,"
Stanley crashed on the couch.
He had looked for a hidden camera in the shower. He hadn't seen anything, and he hoped the Warden hadn't either.
"Hey, keep it down, will you," groaned Zigzag. "I'm trying to watch TV."
Stanley glanced uncertainly at Zigzag, who was staring very intently at the busted television screen.
Four dug in the holes, and three tended to the wheelbarrows.
"We need your sharp eyes."
He carted away the excess dirt and dumped it into previously dug holes.
He could still see the tube in his mind. It seemed so familiar, but he just couldn't place it.
lose her patience
Later, as Stanley sat sprawled across an understuffed chair, he tried to think of a way to tell the Warden where the tube was really found, without getting himself or X-Ray into trouble. It didn't seem possible. He even thought about sneaking out at night and digging in that hole by himself.
"Aren't you going to read it to us?" asked Armpit. "Give him some space," said X-Ray.
Who knows? Maybe something good will come of this.
Your father thinks he is real close to a breakthrough on his sneaker project.
The landlord is threatening to evict us because of the odor. I feel sorry for the little old lady who lived in a shoe. It must have smelled awful! Love from both of us,
"What's so funny?" Zero asked. It startled him. He thought Zero had gone to dinner with the others.
Zero stared blankly at him.
"You've heard the nursery rhyme about the little old lady who lived in a shoe?" "No." Stanley was amazed. "How does it go?" asked Zero. "Didn't you ever watch Sesame Street?" Stanley asked. Zero stared blankly.
Stanley headed on to dinner. He would have felt pretty silly reciting nursery rhymes at Camp Green Lake.
As the days wore on, the Warden became less and less patient.
Meanwhile, the boys continued to dig later and later.
"What have you been doing down there?"
The Warden jabbed at Armpit with her pitchfork, knocking him backward into the big hole.
Stanley was down in the big hole, along with the other six boys.
He scooped up some dirt, and was raising it up to the surface when Zigzag's shovel caught him in the side of the head.
He collapsed. He wasn't sure if he passed out or not. He looked up to see Zigzag's wild head staring down at him. "I ain't digging that dirt up," Zigzag said. "That's your dirt." "Hey, Mom!" Magnet called. "Caveman's been hurt." Stanley brought his fingers up the side of his neck. He felt his wet blood and a pretty big gash just below his ear.
Mr. Sir made a bandage out of a piece of his sack of sunflower seeds and taped it over Stanley's wound.
Stanley felt a little dizzy. He could see a small pile of dirt. It took him a moment to realize that it was the dirt which had been on his shovel when he was hit.
five feet deep and five feet wide
If he jerked too quickly, he felt a throbbing pain just above his neck where Zigzag's shovel had hit him.
The remainder of his body hardly hurt at all. His muscles had strengthened, and his hands were tough and callused.
We've been running obstacle courses, and have to swim long distances on the lake.
Stanley turned, and felt his neck throb. "I don't like it when you read over my shoulder, okay?" Zero said nothing.
It builds character.
Zero stared at him with penetrating eyes.
He was hot, tired, and sore.
He needed to save his energy for the people who counted.
He barely had enough moisture in his mouth to seal and stamp the envelope. It seemed that no matter how much water he drank, he was always thirsty.
He was awakened one night by a strange noise. At first he thought it might have been some kind of animal, and it frightened him. But as the sleep cleared from his head, he realized that the noise was coming from the cot next to him.
Squid's head jerked around. He sniffed and caught his breath.
He didn't talk too much to any of the boys, afraid that he might say the wrong thing.
reddish brown color
He looked up from his hole to see the water truck and its trailing dust cloud.
His canteen was still almost a quarter full. He quickly drank it down, then took his place in line, behind Magnet and in front of Zero.
The air was thick with heat, dust, and exhaust fumes.
The truck pulled away.
Stanley was back in his hole, shovel in hand, when he heard Magnet call out. "Anybody want some sunflower seeds?"
a sack of seeds
He popped a handful into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed, shells and all.
The sack looked to be about half full.
He held both hands up, wiggled his fingers, and laughed.
"Coming your way, Caveman," said Zigzag.
He dug his shovel into his hole, and tried to turn over the dirt and bury the seeds.
What he should have done, he realized later, was knock one of his dirt piles back into his hole.
He kicked a dirt pile by Magnet's hole, then he moved toward Stanley.
As he tried to cover them up, he unearthed a corner of the sack.
"It's not anything," Stanley muttered. "Let me be the judge of that," said Mr. Sir. Stanley reached down and pulled up the empty burlap sack. He tried to hand it to Mr. Sir, but he wouldn't take it.
It felt good to sit inside the truck, out of the direct rays of the sun.
And as the truck bounced along the dirt, he was able to appreciate the air blowing through the open window onto his hot and sweaty face.
Stanley wondered if this was how a condemned man felt on his way to the electric chair
her gaze turned toward Stanley. He felt nothing but dread now. "Come in, I suppose," said the Warden. "You're letting the cold out." It was air-conditioned inside her cabin. The television was going. She picked up the remote and turned it off.
She was barefoot and wearing shorts. Her legs were as freckled as her face and arms.
"So what is it you have to tell me?"
Stanley took a breath to steady himself. "While Mr. Sir was filling the canteens, I snuck into the truck and stole his sack of sunflower seeds."
"Yes, but I think he's lying. I think someone else stole the sack, and Caveman is covering up for X-Ray or somebody. It was a twenty-pound sack, and he claims to have eaten them all by himself."
She unclasped the latch and opened the case.
It was a makeup case. Stanley's mother had one similar to it.
"Rattlesnake venom."
With a small paintbrush she began applying it to the nails on her left hand. "It's perfectly harmless . . . when it's dry." She finished her left hand. She waved it in the air for a few seconds, then began painting the nails on her right hand. "It's only toxic while it's wet." She finished painting her nails, then stood up.
He felt his skin tingle. The nail on her pinkie just barely touched the wound behind his ear. A sharp sting of pain caused him to jump back.
She stepped toward him and struck him across the face.
He had three long red marks slanting across the left side of his face.
Stanley didn't know if the redness was caused by her nail polish or his blood. It took a moment for the venom to sink in.
Suddenly, Mr. Sir screamed and clutched his face with both hands. He let himself fall over, rolling off the hearth and onto the rug.
"I liked it better when you smoked."
For a second, Mr. Sir's pain seemed to recede. He took several long, deep breaths. Then his head jerked violently, and he let out a shrill scream, worse than the one before.
Mr. Sir lay in the way. Stanley could see the muscles on his face jump and twitch. His body writhed in agony. Stanley stepped carefully over him.
Stanley was too frightened to speak.
"He's not going to die," the Warden said. "Unfortunately for you."
Holes words 16-20
flesh [fleʃ]
1. (사람동물의) 살, 고기
The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit’s flesh.
그 덫이 토끼의 살에 깊숙이 박혀 있었다.
2. (사람의) 피부
His fingers closed around the soft flesh of her arm.
그의 손가락이 그녀 팔의 부드러운 피부를 감싸쥐었다.
3. (과일의) 과육; (채소의) 엽육
crashed on the couch.
소파에서 자다
shower [ʃóuər]
1. 보이는 사람[물건]
groan [ɡroʊn]
1. (고통·짜증으로) 신음[끙 하는] 소리를 내다; (기뻐서) 낮게 탄성을 지르다moan
[V] to groan with pain / pleasure
아파서 신음 소리를 내다/기뻐서 낮게 탄성을 지르다
uncertainly [-ˈsɜːrtn-]
1. 자신 없게, 머뭇거리며hesitantly
They smiled uncertainly at one another.
그들은 머뭇거리며 서로 미소를 지어 보였다.
intently [inténtli]
1. 골똘하게, 여념없이, 오로지
busted [ˈbʌstɪd]
Break, split, or burst (something).
excess : 초과; 지나침; 부절제; 초과량; 여분
tended : 경향이 있다; 향하다; 쉽다; 가다; 도달하다
sprawled [sprɔːld]
1. 팔다리를 아무렇게나 벌리고 앉아[누워] 있는, 큰 대자로 누워 있는
He was lying sprawled in an armchair, watching TV.
그는 안락의자에 큰 대자로 드러누워 TV를 보고 있었다.
1. []불충분하게 차있음
If you take all the stuffing out of a teddy bear, it will be understuffed.
니가 곰인형의 솜을 다 빼버린다면, 곰인형은 솜이 불충분해
sneaking [ˈsniːkɪŋ]
1. [명사 앞에만 씀](감정을) 남몰래 품고 있는, 은밀한; (마음속에 의혹 등이) 왠지 모르게 드는
She had always had a sneaking affection for him.
그녀는 항상 그에게 남몰래 애정을 품어 오던 참이었다.
threatening [ˈθretnɪŋ]
1. 협박하는, 위협적인menacing
threatening letters
협박 편지
evict [ɪˈvɪkt]
1. (주택이나 땅에서) 쫓아내다[퇴거시키다]
A number of tenants have been evicted for not paying the rent.
여러 명의 세입자들이 집세를 내지 못해 쫓겨났다.
startled [stɑ́:rtld]
1. 놀란 ((at, by))
blankly [blǽŋkli]
1. 멍하니, 우두커니; 딱 잘라서; 완전히
nursery rhyme
1. (간단한 전래) 동요
amazed [əˈmeɪzd]
1. (대단히) 놀란
an amazed silence
놀라움에 찬 침묵
recite [rɪˈsaɪt]
1. 암송[낭송/낭독]하다
[VN] Each child had to recite a poem to the class.
아이들 각자가 학급 학생들 앞에서 시를 암송해야 했다.[also V, V wh-, V speech]
recite [rìːsáit]
1. 다시 인용하다
wear on
1. (특히 더디게) 흘러가다
As the evening wore on, she became more and more nervous.
그 날 저녁 시간이 흘러갈수록 그녀는 점점 더 초조해졌다.
jabbed : 콱 찌르다; 콱 들이박다; 재빠르게 쥐어박다; 잽을 먹이다
pitchfork [-fɔːrk]
1. 쇠스랑
along with
1. ...와 함께...에 따라.
collapse [kəˈlæps]
(보통 의식을 잃고) 쓰러지다
He collapsed in the street and died two hours later.
그는 길에서 쓰러져 두 시간 뒤에 사망했다.
pass out
1. 의식을 잃다[기절하다]faint
gash [ɡæʃ]
1. 깊은 상처[자상]
jerk [dʒɜːrk]
1. 홱 움직이다(갑자기 날카롭게 움직이거나 무엇을 움직이게 하는 동작을 나타냄)
[VN] He jerked the phone away from her.
그가 그녀에게서 전화기를 홱 낚아챘다.
throbbing [θrɑ́biŋ]
1. 두근거리는, 고동치는; 약동하는
callused [kǽləst]
1. (피부가) 거칠고 못이 박혀 굳어진
throb [θrɑːb]
1. 몸의 일부가욱신거리다, 지끈거리다
His head throbbed painfully.
그는 머리가 지끈거리며 아팠다.
2. (소리가 규칙적으로 강하게) 고동치다, 울리다pulsate
The ship’s engines throbbed quietly.
배의 엔진들은 조용히 웅웅거리는 소리를 냈다.
1. 진동; 욱신[지끈]거림heart-throb
the throb of the machines
기계의 진동
penetrating [ˈpenɪtreɪtɪŋ]
1. 눈·시선 등이마음속을 꿰뚫어 보는 듯한
penetrating blue eyes
마음속을 꿰뚫어 보는 듯한 푸른색 눈
2. 소리·목소리가귀를 찢는 듯한, 날카로운piercing
Her voice was shrill and penetrating.
그녀의 목소리는 새되고 날카로웠다.
3. (질문·논평 등이) 날카로운[예리한]
a penetrating comment/criticism/question
날카로운 논평/비판/질문
reddish [ˈredɪʃ]
1. 발그레한, 불그스름한
1. []looked up 찾아보다, 위로 올려다보다
trailing [tréiliŋ]
1. 질질 끌리는; 길게 나부끼는 <연기·구름 ((등))>; 기는 <덩굴 ((등))>
trailing plants
포복 식물
exhaust [ɪɡˈzɔːst]
1. (자동차 등의) 배기가스
car exhaust fumes/emissions
fumes [fjuːmz]
1. (유독) 가스, 매연
diesel/petrol/exhaust fumes
handful [ˈhændfʊl]
1. 줌, 움큼
a handful of rice
쌀 한 줌
2. 몇 안 되는 수
Only a handful of people came.
몇 명 되지 않는 사람들만 왔다.
3. [비격식]다루기 힘든 사람[동물]
Her children can be a real handful.
그녀의 아이들은 정말 다루기 힘들 때가 있다.
come your way
상대방 쪽으로 가다
Shall I come your way or would you come my way?
제가 당신 방향으로 갈까요, 아니면 당신이 이쪽으로 오겠습니까?
두드려[쳐서] (구멍을) 내다
They managed to knock a hole in the wall.
그들은 간신히 벽[담]을 쳐서 구멍을 하나 냈다.
unearth [ʌnˈɜːrθ]
1. (땅속에서) 파내다, 발굴하다dig up
to unearth buried treasures
묻혀 있는 보물을 파내다
2. 찾다, 밝혀내다dig up
I unearthed my old diaries when we moved house.
나는 우리 집이 이사를 갈 때 내 옛날 일기장들을 찾았다.
condemned [kəndémd]
1. 비난받은; 유죄 선고를 받은; 사형수의
a condemned sermon
사형수에게 행하는 설교
2. [미] <재산 등이> 수용[접수]된; 불량품으로 판정된
3. [속어]저주받은, 구제할 길 없는
barefoot [ˈberf-]
형용사, 부사
1. 맨발의[로]
poor children going barefoot in the street
거리를 맨발로 다니는 가련한 아이들
1. 주근깨[반점, 기미]가 있는.
a freckled face
주근깨투성이의 얼굴.
1. sneak의 과거, 과거분사
sneak [sniːk]
1. 살금살금[몰래] 가다creep
I sneaked up the stairs.
나는 살금살금 계단을 올라갔다.
unclasp [ʌ̀nklǽsp]
1. …의 걸쇠를 벗기다
2. <쥐었던 양손 등을> 펴다
latch [lætʃ]
1. (문의) 걸쇠
He lifted the latch and opened the door.
그가 걸쇠를 들어올리고 문을 열었다.
2. [특히 英](열쇠로 여닫는) 자물쇠
She listened for his key in the latch.
그녀는 그가 열쇠로 자물쇠를 여는 소리를 들었다.
1. 걸쇠를 걸다, 걸쇠로 잠그다
venom [ˈvenəm]
1. (뱀 등의) 독[독액]
a look of pure venom
2. [격식]앙심, 원한
a look of pure venom
완전히 앙심을 품은 표정[눈빛]
tingle [ˈtɪŋɡl]
1. 몸의 일부가따끔거리다, 얼얼하다
The cold air made her face tingle.
찬 바람에 그녀는 얼굴이 얼얼했다.
2. (어떤 감정이) 마구 일다
She was still tingling with excitement.
그녀는 아직도 흥분을 주체할 수가 없었다.
1. 따끔거림, 얼얼함
to feel a tingle of excitement
2. 흥분, 안달
to feel a tingle of excitement
흥분하여 안달이 나는 기분이다
pinkie [píŋki]
1. [미·스코]새끼손가락(pinky)
struck [strʌ́k]
1. STRIKE의 과거·과거분사
strike [straɪk]
1. [격식](세게) 치다, 부딪치다
The ship struck a rock.
그 배는 암초에 부딪쳤다.
2. [격식](손이나 무기로) 때리다[치다]
[VN] She struck him in the face.
그녀가 그의 뺨을 때렸다.
3. [격식](공 등을) 치다[차다]
He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.
그가 페널티 지점까지 걸어가더니 공을 골망 깊숙이 확고하게 차 넣었다.
1. 파업general strike, hunger strike
the train drivers’ strike
기차 기관사들의 파업
2. (군사) 공격, 공습
an air strike
3. 치기, 때리기, 차기bird strike, lightning
His spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2–0.
후반전에 그의 멋진 공격으로 득점이 2-0이 되었다.
slanting [ˈslæntɪŋ]
1. 비스듬한, 비스듬히 기운
slanting eyes/handwriting/rain
눈초리가 치켜 올라간 눈/비스듬히 쓴 글씨/비스듬히 내리는 비
1. 빨강, 적열 상태
sink in
1. 충분히 이해[인식]되다
He paused to allow his words to sink in.
그는 자기 말이 충분히 이해되도록 잠시 말을 쉬었다.
2. 스며들다
The rain sank into the dry ground.
빗물이 마른 대지 속으로 스며들었다.
clutched [klʌ́tʃt]
1. [미·속어]긴장한, 초조한, 신경질적인
recede [rɪˈsiːd]
1. (서서히) 물러나다[멀어지다]
The sound of the truck receded into the distance.
트럭 소리는 차츰 멀어져 갔다.
shrill [ʃrɪl]
1. 목소리 등의 소리가새된, 날카로운piercing
a shrill voice
새된 목소리
2. (요구 등이) 소리 높이 외치는[날카로운](하지만 흔히 이치에 안 맞는)
shrill demands / protests
소리 높이 외치는[날카로운] 요구/항의
1. 날카로운[새된] 소리를 내다
Behind him, the telephone shrilled.
그의 등 뒤에서 전화벨 소리가 날카롭게 울렸다.
2. 날카로운[새된] 소리로 말하다, 꽥 소리 지르다shriek
‘Wait for me!’ she shrilled.
“날 기다려!” 그녀가 꽥 소리를 질렀다.
twitch [twɪtʃ]
1. 씰룩거리다, 경련하다
[V] Her lips twitched with amusement.
그녀는 재미있어서 입술이 씰룩거렸다.
2. 홱 잡아채다[잡아당기다]; 홱 당겨지다
[VN] He twitched the package out of my hands.
그가 내 손에서 그 꾸러미를 홱 잡아챘다.
1. 씰룩거림, 경련
She has a twitch in her left eye.
그녀는 왼쪽 눈이 씰룩거린다.
2. 까딱 함; (갑작스런) 느낌
He greeted us with a mere twitch of his head.
그는 겨우 고개만 까딱 하며 우리에게 인사를 했다.
writhe [raɪð]
1. (흔히 극심한 고통으로) 온몸을 비틀다
She was writhing around on the floor in agony.
그녀는 바닥에 누워 고통에 겨워서 온몸을 비틀고 있었다.
agony [ˈæɡəni]
1. 극도의 (육체적·정신적) 고통[괴로움]
Jack collapsed in agony on the floor.
잭은 극도의 통증을 느끼며 바닥에 쓰러졌다.
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