
Wonder p.39~87/314 단어 리뷰

luluralra 2021. 9. 5. 22:00

Part 1

I wondered what else they'd been told about me before they'd met me.
Those get donated to a farm at the end of every school year.
It'll be a bit of a schlep, though.
crosstown bus
"We should really go, Mom," I said, tugging at her ​pocketbook.
"I look forward to having you as a student,"
"So . . . how'd it go ? Did you like it?"
I could tell Mom didn't know what was up, and I guess I really didn't, either. I felt very sad and a tiny bit happy at the exact same time​, kind of like that laughing-crying feeling all over again.
"Who's a good girlie?" I said in my Dad voice.
"Is everything okay, sweetness?" Mom said.
Daisy was hogging the bed . "Excuse me, Daisy." She sat down, nudging Daisy over.
kissing her on the nose and rubbing her ear until her back leg did that little flea -scratch shake.
"That boy Julian seemed especially nice," Mom said.
"Oh, no, he was the least nice . I liked Jack, though
maybe I'm getting them confused
She pressed her fingers on her forehead like she was pushing against a headache.
First-Day Jitters
Mom and Dad had reversed sides on whether I should go or not.
In general, I try to avoid blocks where there are lots of kids roaming around
I kept my head way down​.
Everyone's just as nervous as you are," said Via in my ear 
I have to admitso far, nothing bad had happened
with their hands cupped over their mouths
I did my thing of pretending not to notice
okay, everybody! Settle down
She had only hesitated for a millionth of a second
I'm used to it ​by now.






Be forewarned that some lockers are not right outside this class
he plopped his backpack up really high
I resisted spinning the combination when I sat down
He was getting frustrated and kind of cursing under his breath
white shirt kind of like a tunic
pursue her "dream"
Julian scrunched up his face and started tapping his forehead
Lamb to the Slaughter
Why do you have that tiny braid in the back of your hair?
"Yeah." I shrug-nodded.

you can talk about Star Wars stuff at recess
he started talking about what we would be doing this semester
I was mostly doodling in my notebook while he talked, but every once in a while I would sneak a look at the other students
"Okay, so who can tell me what a precept is? Does anyone know?"
sloppy handwriting
"What else?" he said as he wrote, not even turning around.  " Just call things out !" He wrote everything everyone called out. FAMILY. PARENTS. PETS.  One girl called out: "The environment!"  
Isn't that the kind of question we should be asking ourselves all the time?
Did anyone happen to notice the plaque next to the door of  this school?
Know Thyself
I thought we were here to learn English," Jack cracked , which made everyone laugh 
we're going to discuss that precept and what it means
He paused and stroked his beard
I should have known it would be hard . I just hadn't expected it to be this hard
So I moved to an empty table and just waited for everyone to finish stampeding and the lunchroom teacher to tell us what to do next
stand on line at the counter






I could tell I was being stared at without even looking upI knew that people were nudging each other, watching me out  of the corners of their eyes.
saltine cracker
I eat like a tortoise
Like some prehistoric swamp thing.
Hey, is this seat taken?
plopped her backpack on the floor
we could make an exception . She said it as if she'd actually thought the whole thing through
"I just picture, like, a reed of grass being a summer thing."
I have her for math , she answered, making a face
on the second-to-last page of her notebook
"Even if it's a winter name."  " Cool beans ," she answered, giving me a thumbs-up .
Summer looked like her name. She had a tan , and her eyes were green like a leaf.  
she would tell the doctor when he made his rounds what needed adjusting or things like that
After that, we got into the habit of doing the one-to-ten scale for anything that hurt, like if I just had a plain old sore throat , she'd ask : "One to ten ?" And I'd say: "Three," or  whatever it was.
We had started walking through the crowd of kids and parents, most of whom were noticing me
She was walking in the opposite direction
I just didn't feel like talking
 she added snottily, and then practically slammed my bedroom door shut as she left the room.  
I was snuggling with Daisy on my bed when Dad came to tuck me in later . He scooched Daisy over gently and lay down next to me on the blanket.
He got that from an old cartoon about a dachshund named Auggie Doggie
Though I guess it would depend on why you wanted to stop going, too, you know
peeked her head inside my room
She looked kind of shy for a second
but it was too late, the excited dwarves had wasted their last arrows, and now the bows that Beorn had given them were useless.  






"They were a gloomy party that night, and the gloom gathered still deeper on them in the following days . They had crossed the enchanted stream; but beyond it the path seemed to straggle on just as before, and in the forest they could see no change."
She didn't seem surprised that I was crying
"I'm sorry," I said between sniffles .
She kissed my cheeks that looked punched in . She kissed my tortoise mouth.
I wasn't used to this whole notion of homework.
They would sneak peeks at me from behind their notebooks or when they thought I wasn't looking. They would take the longest way around me to avoid bumping into me in any way, like I had some germ they could catch,  like my face was contagious .  
In the hallways, which were always crowded, my face would always surprise some unsuspecting kid who maybe hadn't heard about me
I'd catch a kid elbowing his friend as they passed me , or talking behind their hands as I walked by them
They were just being normal dumb kids
he patted me on the shoulder
For some reason, me and Jack started cracking up
Later, after we finished reading about how ancient Sumerians built sundials , Jack whispered: " Do you ever want to beat those kids up?"
" I'd want to . I think you should get a secret squirt gun or something and attach it to your eyes somehow . And every time someone stares at you, you would squirt them in the face ."
"With some green slime or something," I answered. "No, no: with slug juice mixed with dog pee." 
This is what I wrote:  
This precept means that we should be remembered for the things we do. The things we do are the most important things of all. They are more important than what we say or what we look like. The things we do outlast our mortality . The things we do are like monuments that people build to honor heroes after they've died. They're like the pyramids that the Egyptians built to honor the pharaohs . Only instead of being made out of stone , they're made out of the memories people have of you. That's why your deeds are like your monuments. Built with memories instead of with stone .
I like my birthday: 10/10 . It would've been great if I'd been born at exactly 10:10 in the morning or at night , but I wasn't






Charlotte had a dance recital earlier in the day , but she was going to try to come to your party if time allowed
She was cutting one of the apples we had just gotten at the farmers' market into teensy-weensy bites so I could eat it
We sent out the evites kind of late
Like what did they tell you, though ? What reasons did they give ?
She sounded a bit impatient
It was fun because all the grown-ups ended up bowling in the lane next to ours, so it really felt like there were a lot of people there to celebrate my birthday.
So long as it's politically correct.
What about blasters?
her eyes squint like she's looking right at the sun
I know what I'd really want to go as, but I think it might be too dorky
what dorky thing do you want to dress up as?" I asked  her, smiling.  " Promise not to laugh? "
But I have it all planned out : I'd make the head out of papier- mâché , and paint the horn gold and make the mane gold , too. . . . It would be so awesome. "
Goth girl for school
I gave her a thumbs-up sign
it's not a phobia . It's an " aversion
I have an aversion to having my picture taken
I thought Mom would try to get me to drop my aversion to having my picture taken for school, but she didn't
She got really nervous and turned pale and literally broke into a sweat within a minute, and then she came up with some lame excuse about really having to go to the bathroom . Anyway, Mrs. Atanab i let her off the hook , because she ended up not making anyone dance together.
yesterday in my science elective, we were doing this cool mystery-powder investigation where we had to classify substance as an acid or a base.
make observations , so we were all huddled around the powders with our notebooks
seven of them were squished together on one side of the plate while one of them—me—had loads of room on the other side.
Tristan and Nino scooted over to my side
Tristan jerked his hand away so fast
The kids in that story were afraid they'd catch the cooties if they touched the old moldy cheese on the basketball court.







She figured that it had probably ended up in Grans's attic, and she kept meaning to look for it, but by then I had gotten used to not wearing it.  
My seventh I was a clone trooper . My eighth I was Darth Vader. My ninth I was the Bleeding Scream, the one that has fake blood oozing out over the skull mask 
since Jango was Boba's dad and wore the same armor —and then painted the armor green. She did some other stuff to it to make it look worn, too.
this year she's had a couple of these kinds of fits .   Dad was late for work and was like , "Via, let's go! Let's go!" Usually Dad is super patient about things, but not when it comes to his being late for work
"I haven't put my costume on yet!"
"So put it on, already. Five minutes. I'll meet you outside." 
It was such an easy costume: just a long black robe and a big white mask. I yelled goodbye from the door on my way out , but Mom didn't even hear me
I was different. Where I usually walked  with my head down, trying to avoid being seen , today I walked with my head up, looking around
Have you ever seen those ? He looks exactly like that."  
" I think he looks like an orc ."
" Just ditch him," said Julian
I started crying. I couldn't keep it from happening .The tears were so thick in my eyes I could barely see, but I couldn't wipe them through the mask as I walked. I was looking for a little tiny spot to disappear into.
Rat boy. Freak. Monster. Freddy Krueger. E.T. Gross-out.  Lizard face. Mutant
I locked the door to my stall and took off my mask
" Hi," I mumbled. I didn't want her to ask anything until afterward. 
He said he feels like throwing up
patting me on the back as she walked us toward the door
putting her hand under my chin and tilting my face up
Mom and I hug-walked the whole way home



schlep : 무능한 사람; 힘겨운 여행; 고된 일

crosstown [ˌkrɔːs-]
1. 도시를 가로지르는
a crosstown bus
시내 횡단 버스

tugging : 당기다; 끌다; 예인선으로 끌다; 억지로 끌어들이다; 힘들여서 운반하다

pocketbook : 지갑; 핸드백; 문고본; 포켓북; 수첩

patting : 톡톡 가볍게 치다; 토닥거리다; 가볍게 두드려 …이 되게 하다; 매만지다; 가볍게 치다

girlie : 1. 계집(애) (많은 여자들이 모욕스럽게 느끼는 말)

1. [신조어]자기 (sweetheart와 동의어)
Thank you so much for dinner, sweetness.
저녁 고마워, 자기

동사 독차지하다

nudge [nʌdʒ]
1. (특히 팔꿈치로 살짝) 쿡 찌르다
He nudged me and whispered, ‘Look who’s just come in.’
그가 나를 쿡 찌르며 속삭였다. “방금 누가 들어 왔는지 봐.”

flea [fliː]
1. 벼룩
The dog has fleas.
그 개는 벼룩이 있다.

jitters [-tərz]
1. (흔히 the jitters)[비격식]초조함[조마조마함](특히 중요하거나 어려운 일을 앞두고 느끼는 감정)
I always get the jitters before exams.
나는 시험을 치기 전에는 항상 초조해진다.

reversed : 역; 뒤; 불운; 거꾸로의; 상반되는

roaming : 걸어다니다; 돌아다니다; 거닐다; 배회하다; 두리번거리다

cupped : 찻종; 한 잔; 우승컵; 찻잔; 잔

settle down
1. 편안히 앉다[눕다]
I settled down with a book.
나는 책 한 권을 들고 편안히 앉았다.

by now
1. 지금쯤은 이미; 이제
Well, if it had landed, Herman would have called me by now.
글쎄요. 만일 비행기가 도착했더라면, Herman은 지금쯤 전화를 했었을 거예요.

forewarned : 미리 경계하다; 미리 주의하다

plopped : 풍덩 떨어뜨리다; 펑 소리내며 튀다; 부글거리며 가라앉다; 풍덩; 펑

cursing [kə́:rsiŋ]
1. [U] 저주; 악담; 파문; 신에 대한 모독

tunic [ˈtuː-]
1. 튜닉(고대 그리스나 로마인들이 입던, 소매가 없고 무릎까지 내려오는 헐렁한 웃옷)
2. 튜닉(엉덩이 위까지 내려오는 여성용 상의)
3. 튜닉(경찰관·군인 등이 제복의 일부로 입는, 몸에 딱 붙는 재킷)

pursue [pərˈsuː]
1. 추구하다, (어떤 일을 어느 정도의 기간을 두고) 밀고 나가다[해 나가다]
to pursue a goal/an aim/an objective
목표를 추구하다
2. (논의·조사·관여 등을) 계속하다
[VN] to pursue legal action
소송을 계속하다
3. (붙잡기 위해) 뒤쫓다[추적하다]
She left the theatre, hotly pursued by the press.
그녀가 극장을 떠났고 그 뒤를 기자들이 열나게 뒤쫓았다.

scrunch [skrʌntʃ]
1. (자갈·눈 위를 밟을 때와 같은) 저르륵저르륵[뽀드득뽀드득] 소리를 내다crunch
The snow scrunched underfoot.
눈이 발밑에서 뽀드득 소리를 냈다.

braid : 꼰 끈; 노끈; 몰; 땋은 머리 plait; 짜다

recess : 쉼; 휴식; 휴게; 휴회; 휴가

doodling [dú:dliŋ]
1. 낙서; [미·속어] 맥없는 연주

sneak : 살금살금 들어오다; 서성대다; 살짝 달아나다; 숨다; 굽실굽실하다

precept : 교훈; 훈시; 계율; 권고; 격언

sloppy [ˈslɑːpi]
1. 엉성한, 대충 하는
sloppy thinking
엉성한 생각

plaque [plæk]
1. 명판(名板: 사람·사건 등을 기려 이름과 날짜를 적어 벽에 붙여 놓은 물건)

thyself [ðaɪˈself]
1. [옛글투 또는 방언]당신[그대] 자신(= yourself)

cracked : 갈라진 금; 갑작스런 날카로운 소리; 지끈; 금가게 하다; 지끈 깨다

1. 쓰다듬다, 어루만지다
( stroke+[목]+[부] ) stroke down one's hair
머리를 쓰다듬다

stampeding : 놀라서 우루루 달아남; 앞을 다투어 달아남; 궤멸; 궤주; 우 몰려옴

nudge [nʌdʒ]
1. (특히 팔꿈치로 살짝) 쿡 찌르다
He nudged me and whispered, ‘Look who’s just come in.’
그가 나를 쿡 찌르며 속삭였다. “방금 누가 들어 왔는지 봐.”

saltine : 짭짤한 크래커

tortoise [ˈtɔːrtəs]
1. 거북terrapin, turtle

prehistoric : 유사 이전의; 선사의; 아주 옛날의; 구식의; 고풍의

swamp : 늪에 빠지게 하다; 수렁에 처박다; 휩쓸다; 침수시키다; 침몰시키다

plopped : 풍덩 떨어뜨리다; 펑 소리내며 튀다; 부글거리며 가라앉다; 풍덩; 펑

reed : 갈대; 달; 갈대밭; 마른 갈대; 갈대 피리

petal [ˈpetl]
1. 꽃잎

make a face
1. (무엇이 마음에 안 들어서 또는 남을 웃기려고) 얼굴을 일그러뜨리다
What are you pulling a face at now?
지금은 뭣 때문에 얼굴을 구기고 있니?

make a face
1. 얼굴을 찌푸리다; 침울한 표정을 짓다
Why are you making a face?
왜 얼굴을 찌푸리느냐?

second to last
1. 끝에서 두 번째
She finished second to last.
그녀는 끝에서 두 번째로 끝마쳤다.

Cool beans
1. [《놀람을 나타내어》]와!
Cool beans! It's so cool!
와! 대단하다!

tan [tæn]
1. (피부가 갈색으로) 햇볕에 타다[그을리다]; 햇볕에 태우다






whom [huːm]
1. [격식]who의 목적격. 동사나 전치사의 목적어 자리에 who 대신에 씀
Whom did they invite?
그들이 누구를 초대했나요?

snooty ( snotty )
형용사 못마땅함 오만한 (=snobbish)

1. 해야 할 일이 많은
I have been being slammed at work.
직장에서 내가 감당할 수 있는 이상의 일들이 있어.

tuck [tʌk]
1. (끝부분을 단정하게) 밀어넣다[접다]
She tucked up her skirt and waded into the river.
그녀는 치마를 단단히 모아서 들어올리고 강물 속으로 걸어 들어갔다.

scooch [skuːtʃ]
1. (특히 앉은 자세로) 조금 움직이다
She scooched over so that he could sit down next to her.
그녀는 그가 자기 옆에 앉을 수 있도록 조금 움직여 주었다.
2. (좁은 속을) 지나가다
The waiter kept pressing against the table, trying to scooch by.
웨이터가 테이블 쪽으로 계속 몸을 기대며 지나가려고 애를 썼다

dachshund : 닥스훈트

by the way
1. 그런데(대화에서 화제를 바꿀 때 씀)
By the way, I found that book you were looking for.
그런데, 네가 찾고 있던 그 책 내가 찾았어.

​dwarves : dwarf의 복수형

1.(신화 속의) 난쟁이(보통 지하에서 살며 금속과 관련된 일을 하는, 마력을 지닌 존재로 묘사됨)2.난쟁이, 왜소증 환자3.(정상 크기보다) 소형의

​bow  [boʊ]
1. 활
He was armed with a bow and arrow.
그는 활과 화살로 무장하고 있었다.

​gloom [ɡluːm]
1. 우울, 침울depression
The gloom deepened as the election results came in.
선거 결과가 들어오면서 침울한 분위기가 깊어졌다.
2. [문예체]어둠
We watched the boats come back in the gathering gloom.
우리는 점점 짙어지는 어둠 속으로 배들이 돌아오는 것을 지켜보았다.

enchanted [-ˈtʃæntɪd]
1. 마법에 걸린
an enchanted forest/kingdom
마법에 걸린 숲/왕국
2. [격식]황홀해 하는delighted
He was enchanted to see her again after so long.
그는 그렇게 긴 시간이 흐른 후에 그녀를 다시 만나 황홀했다.

straggle [ˈstræɡl]
1. 제멋대로 자라나다[퍼지다]
The town straggled to an end and the fields began.
도시가 제멋대로 뻗어 나가다가 끝이 나고 들판이 시작되었다.
2. (대오 등에서 뒤로) 처지다, 낙오되다
On the way the kids straggled behind us.
그 아이들이 도중에 우리 뒤로 처졌다.

sniffles : 코를 훌쩍거리다; 코를 훌쩍거리며 말하다; 코를 훌쩍거림; 코감기; 고뿔

1. 구멍난
2. 천공된

notion [ˈnoʊʃn]
1. 개념, 관념, 생각
a political system based on the notions of equality and liberty
평등과 자유라는 개념에 기반을 둔 정치 체제

germ [dʒɜːrm]
1. 세균, 미생물
Disinfectant kills germs.
소독제는 세균을 죽인다.

contagious [kənˈteɪdʒəs]
1. (접촉을 통해) 전염되는, 전염성의
Scarlet fever is highly contagious.
성홍열은 대단히 전염성이 강하다.
2. [대개 명사 앞에는 안 씀](사람이 접촉성) 전염병에 걸린infectious

unsuspecting [ˌʌnsəˈspektɪŋ]
1. [주로 명사 앞에 씀]의심하지 않는, 이상한 낌새를 못 채는
He had crept up on his unsuspecting victim from behind.
그는 이상한 낌새를 못 채고 있는 범행 대상에게 뒤에서 몰래 다가갔었다.

elbowing : 팔꿈치; 팔꿈치 모양의 것; 굽은 관; 굽은 이음매; 팔걸이

dumb [dʌm]
1. [구식, 때로 모욕적]벙어리의, 말을 못 하는
She was born deaf and dumb.
그녀는 날 때부터 농아였다
dumb 2
형용사, 부사
1. [美구어]터무니없는[없이], 심한[하게], 지독한[하게](damn).

pat 1 [pǽt]
1. 톡톡 가볍게 치다; 토닥거리다; 가볍게 두드려 …이 되게 하다 ((into))
( pat+[목]+[전]+[명] ) pat a person on the back
(칭찬·찬성의 표시로) …의 등을 톡톡 치다, …을 칭찬[격려, 위로]하다

crack up
1. (중압감을 못 이기고 정신적으로나 육체적으로) 무너지다[쓰러지다]
You’ll crack up if you carry on working like this.
너 계속 이런 식으로 일을 하다간 쓰러져.

sundials : 해시계

squirt [skwɜːrt]
1. (액체가스 등을 가늘게) 찍 짜다[내뿜다/뿌리다]; 찍 나오다[뿌려지다]spurt
[VN] The snake can squirt poison from a distance of a metre.
그 뱀은 1미터의 거리에서도 독을 내뿜을 수 있다.
2. (~에 대고 물줄기 등을) 쏘다spray
The children were squirting each other with water from the hose.
아이들은 호스로 서로에게 물을 쏘아 대고 있었다.
1. (작은 구멍으로 액체가) 찍 나옴[뿌려짐]spray
a squirt of perfume
향수를 한 번 찍 짜서 뿌리기
2. [비격식, 못마땅함]작다리, 딸보

somehow [ˈsʌmhaʊ]
1. 어떻게든
We must stop him from seeing her somehow.
우리는 어떻게든 그가 그녀를 못 만나게 해야 한다.
2. 왜 그런지 (모르겠지만), 왠지
Somehow, I don’t feel I can trust him.
왜 그런지, 나는 그를 믿을 수 있다는 기분이 안 들었다[믿을 수 없다는 기분이 들었다.]

slime [slaɪm]
1. (더럽고) 끈적끈적한 물질, 점액slimy
The pond was full of mud and green slime.
연못에는 진흙과 끈적끈적한 녹색 점액 같은 게 가득했다.

slug [slʌɡ]
1. 민달팽이, 괄태충

deed [diːd]
1. [격식, 문예체](보통 아주 좋거나 아주 나쁜) 행위[행동]act
a brave/charitable/evil/good deed
용감한/자비로운/사악한/훌륭한 행위

tombstone : 묘석; 묘비; 툼스톤 광고; 묘비 광고; 이

precept [ˈpriːsept]
1. [격식](행동) 수칙, 계율principle

assignment : 할당; 숙제; 임명; 서임; 연구 과제

outlast [-ˈlæst]
1. …보다 더 오래 가다[계속하다]
He can outlast anyone on the dance floor.
그는 누구보다 더 오래 무도회장에 서 있을[계속 춤을 출] 수 있다.

mortality [mɔːrˈt-]
1. 언젠가는 죽어야 함, 죽음을 피할 수 없음, 필사
After her mother’s death, she became acutely aware of her own mortality.
어머니가 돌아가신 후 그녀는 자기 자신도 언젠가는 죽을 수밖에 없음을 뼈저리게 느끼게 되었다.
2. (특정 기간·상황에서의) 사망자 수[사망률]
the infant mortality rate
유아 사망률
3. [전문 용어]사망
hospital mortalities
병원에서의 사망 건수

pharaohs : 파라오; 바로; 전제적인 국왕; 폭군; 혹사자

recital [rɪˈsaɪtl]
1. 발표회, 연주회
to give a piano recital
피아노 연주회를 하다
2. (어떤 사건 등에 대한) 장황한 설명[이야기]

recital : 리사이틀; 연주회; 독주회; 낭송; 낭독






teensy-weensy [tí:nsiwí:nsi]
1. [구어]TINY

1. [고어]피하다 (avoid), 기피하다 (shun).
1. [신조어]이메일 초대
"We can't make it, but thanks for the evite!"
갈 수는 없지만, 이메일로 초대해 주셔서 감사합니다.

politically : 정치적으로; 정략상; 현명하게

blaster [blǽstər,blɑ́:st-]
1. 발파공
2. [골프]블래스터 ((벙커용의 타면이 넓은 클럽))
3. (SF 소설에서) 우주총; [미·속어] 총(gun); 총잡이

squint [skwɪnt]
1. 눈을 가늘게 뜨고[찡그리고] 보다(밝은 빛을 피하거나 무엇을 더 잘 보려고 취하는 동작을 나타냄)
[V] to squint into the sun
눈을 가늘게 뜨고 해를 보다

dorky : 바보의; 이상한

planned out
1. 면밀이 계획된

goth : 강렬한 록 음악의 하나; 그 연주자; 고트 사람; 야만인; 난폭한 사람

phobia [ˈfoʊ-]
1. 공포증
He has a phobia about flying.
그는 비행 공포증이 있다.

aversion [əˈvɜːrʒn]
1. 아주 싫어함, 혐오감
a strong aversion
강한 혐오감

lame [leɪm]
1. 사람·동물이다리를 저는, 절뚝거리는

lassify [ˈklæsɪfaɪ]
1. 분류[구분]하다
The books in the library are classified according to subject.
도서관의 책들은 주제별로 분류되어 있다.
2. ~을 ~으로 분류하다
Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major.
이 사고들 중 11건만이 주요[대형] 사고로 분류되었다.

substance [ˈsʌbstəns]
1. 물질
a chemical/radioactive, etc. substance
화학/방사성 물질 등
2. 실체
It was malicious gossip, completely without substance.
그것은 전혀 실체 없는 악의성 가십이었다.
3. 본질, 핵심, 요지
Love and guilt form the substance of his new book.
사랑과 죄의식이 그가 펴낸 새 책의 핵심이다.

acid [ˈæsɪd]
1. [화학]산alkali, acetic acid, amino acid, ascorbic acid, citric acid, hydrochloric acid, lactic acid, nitric acid, nucleic acid, sulphuric acid

observation [ˌɑːbzərˈv-]
1. 관찰, 관측, 감시, 주시
Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals’ behaviour.
대부분의 정보는 그 동물들의 행동을 직접 관찰하면서 수집한 것이다.
2. (자신의 관찰에 따른) 논평[의견]remark
He began by making a few general observations about the report.
그는 그 보고서에 대해 몇 가지 전반적인 논평을 하는 것으로 시작했다.

huddle [ˈhʌdl]
1. 사람동물들이(보통 춥거나 무서워서) 옹송그리며 모이다
We huddled together for warmth.
우리는 몸을 따뜻하게 하려고 함께 옹송그리며 모여 있었다.
2. (보통 춥거나 무서워서) 옹송그리다
I huddled under a blanket on the floor.
나는 바닥에서 담요를 덮고 몸을 옹송그리고 있었다.
1. (특히 특별한 순서 없이) 옹기종기 모여 서 있는 것
People stood around in huddles.
사람들이 옹기종기 모여 있었다.
2. 미식축구에서작전회의

squish [skwɪʃ]
1. (부드러운 것이[을]) 으깨지다[으깨다]
2. 철벅 소리를 내다

squished : 찌그러뜨리다; 짜다; 철벅철벅 소리를 내다; 철벅거리는 소리

scoot [skuːt]
1. [비격식]서둘러 가다[떠나다]
I’d better scoot or I’ll be late.
내가 서둘러 가야겠어. 안 그러면 지각할 거야.

scooted : 내닫다; 뛰어 달아나다; 급히 가다; 내닫게 하다; 휙 움직이게 하다

jerk [dʒɜːrk]
1. 홱 움직이다(갑자기 날카롭게 움직이거나 무엇을 움직이게 하는 동작을 나타냄)
[VN] He jerked the phone away from her.
그가 그녀에게서 전화기를 홱 낚아챘다.

cootie [kú:ti]
1. [미·속어] 이(louse); [미·구어] 세균
2. [미·속어]순진한 사람

moldy [móuldi]
1. 곰팡이가 핀, 곰팡내 나는; 케케묵은

attic [ˈætɪk]
1. 다락(방)garret, loft
furniture stored in the attic
다락에 보관된 가구

clone : 클론; 영양계; 분지계; 똑같은 사람; 카피

trooper : 기병; 기마 순경; 주 경찰관; 낙하산병; 군대 수송선

oozing : 스며나오다; 새어나오다; 서서히 나아가다; 분비물을 내다; 분비하다

ooze out
1. if a thick liquid oozes out or oozes from somewhere, it flows out slowly
Cream was oozing out of the cake.

skull [skʌl]
1. 두개골cranium
a fractured skull
금이 간[골절된] 두개골
2. [비격식]머리, 대가리
Her skull was crammed with too many thoughts.
그녀의 머리속에는 너무 많은 생각들이 꽉 들어차 있었다.

armor : 갑옷; 철갑; 장갑; 방호구; 방호복

robe : 예복; 관복; 법복; 옷; 의복

robe [roʊb]
1. (신분의 상징으로 또는 특별한 의식 때 입는) 예복[가운], 대례복, 법복
coronation robes
대관식 예복

orc [ɔ́:rk]
1. [동물] 범고래(grampus) ((killer whale이라고도 함)); 바다의 괴물

ditch [dɪtʃ]
1. (들판도로가의) 배수로
1. [비격식](더 이상 원치 않거나 불필요한 것을) 버리다; (교제하던 사람을) 차 버리다
The new road building programme has been ditched.
그 도로 신설 계획은 내팽개쳐져 버렸다.
2. (비행기가[를]) 바다에 불시착하다

1. [특히 美, 비격식]역겨운 것
They eat flies? What a gross-out!
그들이 파리를 먹는다구? 정말 역겨워!
[명사 앞에만 씀] gross-out movie scenes
역겨운 영화 장면들

mutant [ˈmjuːtənt]
1. [생물]생물체가돌연변이의
a mutant gene
돌연변이 유전자
1. [생물]돌연변이체, 변종
2. [비격식]공상 과학 소설에 나오는(유전자 변형조작에 의한) 돌연변이 생물체[괴물]

stall [stɔːl]
1. (특히 시장의) 가판대, 좌판standbookstall
a market stall
시장 가판대
stall 1 [stɔ́ːl]
1. 마구간, 마구간[외양간]의 한 칸(stable)
stall 2
1. (지연시키는) 구실, 핑계, 발뺌; 시간 벌기(전술); [속어] 꾸며낸 알리바이


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