Doctors have come from distant cities Fate smiled and destiny laughed as she came to my cradle . . . I'm kind of used to how I look by now Next week I start fifth grade. Since I've never been to a real school before, I am pretty much totally and completely petrified Mom homeschools me What I wanted was to go to school, but only if I could be like every other kid going to school we used to have playdates all the time If we bump into each other on the street , they're still nice to me, though . They always say hello but I haven't seen her in a long time It's not funny in the way a joke is funny , but when Mom tells it, Via and I just start cracking up Mom had had Via four years before I had a cleft palate They called it " small anomalies she kept farting . Like, she'd bring Mom some ice chips, and then fart. Mom got stuck with this cranky kid doctor even though everyone in the room was kind of grumpy , Dad kept making her laugh all night long. He had fainted ! Right on the floor! the farting nurse turned out to be a very nice woman God overcometh the world my tiny mushed-up face I was really bummed when Christopher moved away three years ago . We were both around seven then. We used to spend hours playing with our Star Wars action figures and dueling with our lightsabers "Then that's it, case closed," I said, shrugging you know how bad I am at fractions! said Lisa, patting my knee I don't think that would be a good fit for you." "I don't want to," I said. I admit: I made my voice sound a little babyish . I could tell she and Dad were going to get in a fight about it . I wanted Dad to win the fight . Though a part of me knew Mom was right . It was a long drive home . I fell asleep in the backseat like I always do, my head on Via's lap like she was my pillow, a towel wrapped around the seat belt so I wouldn't drool all over her. I don't know how long I was sleeping So sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter We showed him pictures of the whole family. And that great shot of you holding that flounder on the boat Suddenly it felt like they were on the same side In hindsight she turned around in her seat and faced forward I shouldn't have said that ," Dad said, looking at me in the rearview mirror A little baby chick that was just hatching out of its egg I miss being a baby, not knowing stuff . But I wasn't in the mood for that now |
Paging Mr. Tushman !" He was using a fake high , old-lady voice . "Hi, Mr. Tushman! I see you're running a little behind today ! Did your car get rear-ended again? What a bum rap ! It could be worse, though ! "Who's Mr. Tushman?" Via said groggily I was kind of giggly I started giggling right away. He seemed nice I admit I have a bad habit of mumbling "We have a couple of great science electives at Beecher," " Maybe you'll take one of them ?" "Uh-huh," I said, though I had no idea what an elective was "You didn't tell me we were taking a tour," I said to Mom in my accusing voice We followed Mr. Tushman down a few hallways I sort of hid behind Mom as I walked When I looked up at her, Mrs. Garcia's eyes dropped for a second Wow, what a firm grip I want to change my elective You've just made my day. He's my grandson that's when I realized she was just as nervous as I was . I guess I liked Mrs. Garcia— when she wasn't wearing her shiny smile like a globe that floated in the air I was kind of kidding "Do you know who Mr. T is?" he answered. " I pity the fool ? " he said in a funny tough voice, like he was imitating someone. Here I have to admit I totally laughed, because I knew exactly what he meant a portrait of me Something about the way his cheeks puffed out when he smiled made him look like a jack-o'-lantern I started laughing a little I'm not exaggerating when I say this, but my heart literally started beating One of the reasons I grew my hair long last year was that I like how my bangs cover my eyes: it helps me block out the things I don't want to see I figure they could take you around the school a bit, show you the lay of the land, so to speak." "You're going to be okay, Auggie," Mom whispered with all her might Have you had a good summer ? they were in the lowerschool building, but they know all the ins and outs of the middle-school program Jack Will looked at me and put out his hand . When I shook it, he kind of half smiled "This is Julian," said Mr. Tushman. "Hey," said Julian, and did the same exact thing as Jack Will: took my hand, forced a smile , looked down fast It wasn't my favorite subject on account of the fact that I don't really have ears We have a very nice selection of percussion instruments you've been wanting to learn to play the drums," Mom said, trying to get me to look at her "Great! Okay, so why don't you guys get going ? " said Mr. Tushman. "Just be back here in . . ." He looked at Mom. "Half an hour, okay?" |
half-opened door "This is our homeroom," he said, standing in front of the half-opened door. "We have Ms. Petosa. They say she's okay, at least for homeroom. I heard she's really strict if you get her for math, though." I shrugged and walked over to the door . Julian moved out of the way quickly , like he was afraid I might accidentally touch him as I passed by him "Nothing much to see," Julian said, walking in after me "No, that's just your group," explained Charlotte, ignoring Julian's smirk Paging Mr. Tushman !" He was using a fake high , old-lady voice . "Hi, Mr. Tushman! I see you're running a little behind today ! Did your car get rear-ended again? What a bum rap ! . "It's like where you go when you get to school in the morning and your homeroom teacher takes attendance and stuff like that. In a way , it's your main class even though it's not really a class. I mean, it's a class, but—" " I think he gets it , Charlotte," said Jack Will. " Do you get it ?" Charlotte asked me. "Yeah." I nodded at her. She was describing the play they had put on last year "Come on!" he said loudly, waving for me to follow him, which I did when the lights are off, you can't really see that far back Where are my parents?' And then Mr. Resnick, our theater-arts teacher last year—he said: 'Charlotte, stop being such a diva !' And I was like, 'Okay!' And then I spotted my parents and I was totally fine. I didn't forget a single line ." This is something I see people do a lot with me . They think I don't know they're staring, but I can tell from the way their heads are tilted. I turned around to see where Jack had gone to. He had stayed in the back of the auditorium, like he was bored. We put on a play every year "I don't think he's going to want to be in the school play, Charlotte," said Julian sarcastically "Oh yeah, whoopee ," said Julian, twirling his finger in the air Julian, you're being so obnoxious ! Julian looked directly at me." The science elective is supposably the hardest elective of all," he said. " No offense, but if you've never, ever been in a school before, why do you think you're suddenly going to be smart enough to take the science elective? I mean, have you ever even studied science before? Like real science, not like the kind you do in kits?" "Yeah." I nodded. Julian said to me. He sounded like he was annoyed What's the deal with your face? I mean, were you in a fire or something ? I'm not being rude as I passed by, he looked at me right in the face, kind of daring me to look back at him, which I did. "The word's 'supposedly,' by the way ," I said. "What are you talking about?" "You said 'supposably' before," I said. "I did not!" I started to follow her, but Julian cut right in front of me, which actually made me stumble backward. |
distant [ˈdɪstənt] 형용사 1. 먼, (멀리) 떨어져 있는 the distant sound of music 멀리서 들려오는 음악 소리 2. (~와) 동떨어진[다른]remote Their life seemed utterly distant from his own. 그들의 삶은 그 자신의 삶과는 전혀 동떨어진 것 같았다. 3. [명사 앞에만 씀]사람이먼 (친척 관계인) a distant cousin/aunt/relative 먼 사촌/아주머니뻘 되는 분/친척 cradle [ˈkreɪdl] 명사 1. 요람, 아기 침대 She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle. 그녀는 요람에 누워 있는 아기가 잠이 들도록 흔들어 주었다. by now 1. 지금쯤은 이미; 이제 Well, if it had landed, Herman would have called me by now. 글쎄요. 만일 비행기가 도착했더라면, Herman은 지금쯤 전화를 했었을 거예요 petrified [ˈpetrɪfaɪd] 형용사 1. 극도로 무서워하는, 겁에 질린terrified a petrified expression 겁에 질린 표정 2. [명사 앞에만 씀]석화된 a petrified forest 석화된 숲 play date [ˈpleɪdeɪt] 명사 1. (부모들끼리 잡는 자녀들의) 놀이 약속 Hannah has a play date with a friend after school. 한나는 방과 후에 친구와 함께 놀기로 약속이 되어 있다. bump into 1. (우연히) ~와 마주치다 in theway 1. (~의[를]) 길을 막는[방해하는] You’ll have to move—you’re in my way. 당신이 좀 움직여야 할 거예요. 내 길을 막고 있으니. crackup 1. ~를 몹시 웃기다 Gill’s so funny, she just cracks me up. 질은 정말 재밌어. 그녀만 보면 난 그냥 웃음이 나. cleft [kleft] 명사 1. (지면바위 등의) 갈라진 틈; (사람 턱의) 옴폭 들어간 부분 a cleft in the rocks 암석의 갈라진 틈 palate [ˈpælət] 명사 1. 구개(입천장)cleft palate the hard/soft palate 경/연구개 anomaly [əˈnɑːm-] 명사 1. 변칙, 이례 the many anomalies in the tax system 세제상의 많은 변칙들 farting : 방귀; 바보; 등신같은 녀석; 조금도 cranky : 까다로운; 심기가 뒤틀린; 괴팍한; 괴짜의; grumpy : 성미 까다로운; 심술난 hysterical [hɪˈsterɪkl] 형용사 1. 히스테리 상태의, (히스테리) 발작적인 hysterical screams 히스테리성 비명 2. [비격식]너무나도 웃기는hilarious She seemed to find my situation absolutely hysterical. 그녀는 내가 처한 상황이 정말 너무도 우스운 모양이었다. fainted : 희미한; 졸도하다; 가냘픈; 약한; 엷은 overcometh 1. []overcome 의 삼인칭 단수 현재형이다. 고어체로서 잘 쓰지 않는 단어이다. bummed [bʌ́md] 형용사 1. 낙담[실망]한, 상심한 duel [ˈduːəl] 명사 1. 결투 to fight/win a duel 결투를 하다/결투에서 이기다 2. (두 사람·집단 사이의) 다툼[싸움] a verbal duel 말싸움 동사 1. [V] The two men duelled to the death. 그 두 남자는 결투를 하다 죽었다. fractions : 파편; 조금; 분수; 단편; 소부분 patting : 톡톡 가볍게 치다; 토닥거리다; 가볍게 두드려 …이 되게 하다; 매만지다; 가볍게 치다 drool [druːl] 동사 1. 침을 흘리다dribble The dog was drooling at the mouth. 그 개는 입에서 침을 흘리고 있었다. 2. [못마땅함](탐이 나거나 좋아서) 침[군침]을 흘리다 teenagers drooling over photos of movie stars 유명 영화배우들의 사진을 보며 침을 흘리는 십대들 lamb : 새끼 양; 새끼 양의 고기; 순진한 사람; 온순한 사람; 잘 속는 사람 slaughter : 도살; 학살; 살육; 완패; 괴멸 flounder [ˈflaʊndə(r)] 동사 1. (어쩔 줄 몰라서) 허둥대다[당황하다] [V] His abrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly. 그가 갑자기 주제를 바꾸는 바람에 그녀는 난감해서 허둥댔다. [alsov speech] flounder 1 [fláundər] 자동사 1. 버둥거리다, 몸부림치다, 허우적거리다 ((about, along)); 발버둥이치다; 버둥거려 깊은 곳에 빠져들다 ((into)); 버둥거리며 나아가다 ((along, through, on)) ( flounder+[전]+[명] ) flounder through the snow 눈 속을 허덕거리며 나아가다 flounder 2 명사 1. [어류](가자밋과(科)와 넙칫과(科)의) 물고기류 ((식용)) in hindsight 1. 지나고 나서 보니까 rear view 명사 1. [생산공학]배면도(背面圖) run behind 1.…의 뒤를 달리다; …보다 뒤지다 2.[비용 따위]가 부족하다 rear end 1. 후부, 후미(tail end) 2. [구어]궁둥이 bum rap 1. [미·속어] 무고한 죄, 누명; 부당한 비난[악평] bum-rap 타동사 1. …에게 무고한 죄를 뒤집어씌우다 groggily : 비틀거리면서, 그로기 상태가 되어 giggly : 낄낄 웃는 electives : 선거에 의한; 선거의; 선거하기 위한; 선거권을 가진; 임의로 선택할 수 있는 optional accusing [əˈkjuːzɪŋ] 형용사 1. 비난하는 듯한 an accusing look/finger/tone 비난하는 듯한 표정/비난의 손가락질/비난하는 듯한 어조 hallways : 현관; 복도 float [floʊt] 동사 1. (물 위나 공중에서) 떠[흘러]가다[떠돌다]drift A group of swans floated by. 한 무리의 백조들이 물 위를 떠갔다. pity [ˈpɪti] 명사 1. 연민, 동정(심), 불쌍히[측은히] 여김 I could only feel pity for what they were enduring. 나는 그들이 견디고 있는 것에 대해 연민만 느낄 수 있을 뿐이었다. 2. (실망을 나타내는 표현에 쓰여) 유감[안된 일/애석한 일]shame It’s a pity that you can’t stay longer. 네가 더 오래 있지 못한다니 안됐다. 동사 1. [진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음]애석해[유감스러워] 하다; 연민을 느끼다, 불쌍해하다, 동정하다 [VN] He pitied people who were stuck in dead-end jobs. 그는 출세할 가망도 없는 일자리에 갇혀 있는 사람들에게 연민을 느꼈다. |
puffedout 형용사 1. 부풀린; 우쭐대는. exaggerate [ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪt] 동사 1. 과장하다 [V] The hotel was really filthy and I’m not exaggerating. 그 호텔은 정말 더러웠어. 과장이 아냐. literally [ˈlɪtərəli] 부사 1. 문자[말] 그대로exactly The word ‘planet’ literally means ‘wandering body’. planet이라는 단어는 문자 그대로 ‘떠돌아다니는 천체’라는 뜻이다. might : …하기 위해; …할 수 있도록; 힘; 세력; 권력 lower school 명사 1. 저학년 (학교) (보통 11~14세의 어린 학생들이 다니는 학교나 학년)upper school ins and outs 1. 구석구석, 방방곡곡(nooks); 굽이굽이 percussion : 충격; 충돌; 타악기; 격발; 타격 smirk [smɜːrk] 동사 1. 히죽히죽[능글맞게] 웃다 It was hard not to smirk. 히죽히죽 웃음이 나오는 걸 참기가 힘들었다. 명사 1. She had a self-satisfied smirk on her face. 그녀는 흡족해서 헤벌쭉한 얼굴을 하고 있었다. in a way 1. 어느 정도는; 어떤 면에서는 In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes. 어떤 면에서는 그것이 우리의 최대 실수 중 하나였다. spotted [ˈspɑːt-] 형용사 1. 옷 등이점무늬[물방울무늬]가 있는 a black and white spotted dress 흑백 물방울무늬(가 있는) 원피스 2. 얼룩무늬의 a leopard’s spotted coat 표범의 얼룩무늬 가죽 sarcastically 부사 1. 비꼬는 투로, 풍자적으로. backdrops : 배경막; 배경 whoopee [wʊˈpiː] 감탄사 1. 야, 야호(신이 나서 외치는 소리) Whoopee, we’ve won! 야호, 우리가 이겼어! twirl 빙빙 돌리다 obnoxious [-ˈnɑːk-] 형용사 1. 아주 불쾌한, 몹시 기분 나쁜offensive obnoxious behaviour 아주 불쾌한 행동 supposably 부사 1. 상상할 수 있을 정도로, 가정할 수 있게. No offense 1. 악의는 아니었다[없었다]. daring 대담한 by the way 1. 그런데(대화에서 화제를 바꿀 때 씀) By the way, I found that book you were looking for. 그런데, 네가 찾고 있던 그 책 내가 찾았어. supposably 아마도 stumble [ˈstʌmbl] 동사 1. 발이 걸리다, 발을 헛디디다trip The child stumbled and fell. 그 아이가 발을 헛디뎌 넘어졌다. |
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