
Holes 1~5 리뷰

luluralra 2020. 12. 7. 10:00

Holes sentences 1~5

The town shriveled and dried up along with the lake

During the summer the daytime temperature hovers around ninety-five degrees

The campers are forbidden to lie in the hammock. It belongs to the Warden.

rifle lay across his lap

He was on a long bus ride to nowhere

The bus wasn't air-conditioned, and the hot, heavy air was almost as stifling as the handcuffs.

Sometimes he'd have them play soccer with a marble.

Other times they'd run an obstacle course, or go bungee jumping off a table, tied to broken rubber bands.

~ often teased him about his size.

Even his teachers sometimes made cruel comments without realizing it.

Stanley weighed three times as much as the other boy Mrs. Bell wrote the ratio on the board, 3:1, unaware of how much embarrassment she had caused both of them.

He looked at the guard who sat slumped in his seat and wondered if he had fallen asleep.

He was innocent of the crime for which he was convicted He'd just been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

She put a curse on him and all his descendants.

~didn't believe in curses

he could hear his father's gruff voice softly singing to him

the woodpecker sighs

It was a song his father used to sing to him.

The bus hit a small bump and the guard sat up, instantly alert.

To be a successful inventor you need three things: intelligence, perseverance, and just a little bit of luck.

Stanley's father liked to say, "I learn from failure." But perhaps that was part of the curse as well.

At such times she neglected to mention the bad luck that befell the first Stanley Yelnats.

He lost his entire fortune when he was moving from New York to California. His stagecoach was robbed by the outlaw

Instead, they were crammed in a tiny apartment that smelled of burning rubber and foot odor.

The bus ride became increasingly bumpy because the road was no longer paved.

Instead, she robbed him and left him stranded in the middle of the desert.

The guard grunted as he stretched his arms.

Stanley felt somewhat dazed as the guard unlocked his handcuffs and led him off the bus.

Thanks for the ride

his throat hurt.

He stepped onto the hard, dry dirt.

There was a band of sweat around his wrist where the handcuff had been.

The land was barren and desolate.

He could see a few rundown buildings and some tents.

Well, duh!

A man was sitting with his feet up on a desk.

He also held a can of soda, and the sight of it made Stanley even more aware of his own thirst.

Stanley noticed a burlap sack filled with sunflower seeds on the floor next to the desk.

I quit smoking last month

as he signed his name, the snake's rattle seemed to wiggle "I used to smoke a pack a day.

There must have been a small refrigerator behind his desk, because the man in the cowboy hat produced two more cans of soda.

the guard grumbled. "What a day."

The man in the cowboy hat spit sunflower seed shells into a wastepaper basket.

The cap had a piece of cloth sewn on the back of it, for neck protection.

"You are to dig one hole each day, including Saturdays and Sundays. Each hole must be five feet deep, and five feet across in every direction. Your shovel is your measuring stick. Breakfast is served at 4:30."

Stanley must have looked surprised, because Mr. Sir went on to explain that they started early to avoid the hottest part of the day.

Then he led Stanley outside into the blazing heat.

then hastily added, "Mr. Sir."

Don't worry. I'm not going to shoot you." He tapped his holster. "This is for yellow-spotted lizards. I wouldn't waste a bullet on you."

You'll be buzzard food in three days."

"You thirsty?" asked Mr. Sir. "Yes, Mr. Sir," Stanley said gratefully. "Well, you better get used to it. You're going to be thirsty for the next eighteen months."

His nose was badly sunburned.

He's just been in a bad mood ever since he quit smoking. The person you've got to worry about is the Warden. There's really only one rule at Camp Green Lake: Don't upset the Warden.

Stanley nodded, as if he understood.

I'm going to help you turn your life around

Can I count on your help?

Mr. Pendanski said, "Good," and patted Stanley on the back.

Two boys, each carrying a shovel, were coming across the compound.

The boys glanced wearily at Stanley.

They were dripping with sweat

There were seven cots, each one less than two feet from the one next to it.

Seven crates were stacked in two piles at one side of the tent. The open end of the crates faced outward.

He tapped the rim of his glasses.

I'm depending on you

Theodore spit a thin line of saliva between his teeth

You were all new here once

I'm counting on every one of you to help Stanley

"Hey, uh, Theodore," he said, going after him. "Do you know where I can fill my canteen?"

Theodore whirled and grabbed Stanley by his collar.

He threw Stanley to the ground.

Stanley stared up at him, terrified.

"There's a water spigot on the wall of the shower stall."

Maybe it was a term of respect.




Holes words 1~5


shrivel [ˈʃrɪvl]


1. 쪼글쪼글해지다; 쪼글쪼글하게 만들다

[V] The leaves on the plant had shrivelled up from lack of water.

그 나무의 잎들이 수분 부족으로 쪼글쪼글해져 있었다.

hover [ˈhʌvər]


1. 새·헬리콥터 등이(허공을) 맴돌다

A hawk hovered over the hill.

매 한 마리가 언덕 위를 맴돌았다.

hammock [ˈhæmək]


1. 해먹(나무 등에 달아매는 그물·천 등으로 된 침대)

a log cabin


rattlesnake [ˈrætlsneɪk]


1. 방울뱀

rifle [ˈraɪfl]


1. 라이플총, 소총

stifling [stáifliŋ]


1. <공기 등이> 숨 막힐 듯한, 답답한

2. <예절 등이> 딱딱하고 거북한

obstacle [ˈɑːb-]


1. 장애hindrance

A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job.

자격 부족은 직장을 구하는 데 주요한 장애가 될 수 있다.

2. 장애물

The area was full of streams and bogs and other natural obstacles.

그 지역에는 냇물, 습지, 또 다른 천연 장애물들이 가득했다.

3. 장애물 경기에서장애물

slumped [slʌmpt]


1. [대개 명사 앞에는 안 씀]꼬꾸라져 있는

The driver was slumped exhausted over the wheel.

그 운전자는 탈진해서 운전대 위에 꼬꾸라져 있었다.


1. 유죄로 결정된

curse [kɜːrs]


1. 욕(설), 악담oath, swear word

He muttered a curse at the other driver.

그가 상대방 운전자를 향해 욕설을 중얼거렸다.

2. 저주hex

The family thought that they were under a curse.

그 가족은 자신들이 저주를 받았다고 생각했다.

3. 폐해, 골칫거리

the curse of drug addiction

약물 중독의 폐해


1. 욕(설)을 하다

He hit his head as he stood up and cursed loudly.

그가 일어서면서 머리를 찧자 큰 소리로 욕을 했다.

2. 악담을 퍼붓다

She cursed her bad luck.

그녀는 그 여자를 저주하는 악담을 퍼부었다.

3. 저주를 내리다hex

Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch.

전설에 의하면 그 마을 전체가 한 마녀의 저주를 받았던 것으로 되어 있다.


A person, plant, or animal that is descended from a particular ancestor.

gruff [ɡrʌf]


1. 목소리가걸걸한

Beneath his gruff exterior, he’s really very kind-hearted.

2. 행동이거친

Beneath his gruff exterior, he’s really very kind-hearted.

그가 겉보기에는 거칠지만 사실은 아주 다정하다.

(of a voice) rough and low in pitch.

woodpecker [ˈwʊdpekə(r)]


1. 딱따구리

perseverance [ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪr-]


1. [호감]인내(심)

They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.

그들은 어려움에 직면하여 대단한 인내심을 보여 주었다.

at such time

1. 이러한 때에.​

neglected [nɪˈɡlektɪd]


1. 방치된, 도외시된

neglected children

방치된 아동들

befall [bɪˈfɔːl]


1. [3인칭에 대해서만 쓰임][문예체]안 좋은 일이닥치다

They were unaware of the fate that was to befall them.

그들은 자기들에게 닥쳐올 운명을 모르고 있었다.

stagecoach [-koʊtʃ]


1. 역마차, 승합 마차

outlaw [ˈaʊtlɔː]


1. 불법화하다, 금하다ban

plans to outlaw the carrying of knives

주머니칼 소지를 불법화하려는 계획

2. (과거에 사람을) 사회에서 매장[추방]하다


1. (특히 옛날 범죄를 저지른) 도망자, 범법자; 법의 보호를 받지 못하는 사람

Robin Hood, the world’s most famous outlaw

세계에서 가장 유명한 도망자인 로빈 후드

crammed [kræmd]


1. (~이[으로]) 잔뜩 들어 있는[가득 찬]packed

All the shelves were crammed with books.

모든 책꽂이에는 책이 잔뜩 꽂혀 있었다.

2. [명사 앞에는 안 씀](사람들이) 비좁게 있는packed

We were crammed four to an office.

우리는 네 명이 한 사무실에서 비좁게 지내고 있었다.



1. [英속어]속은.​

stranded [strǽnd]


좌초시키다,오도가도 못하게 하다,무일푼이 되게 하다,잔루시키다,가닥

Left without the means to move from somewhere.

grunt [ɡrʌ́nt]


1. <돼지가> 꿀꿀거리다; <사람이> 툴툴거리다, 불평하다, 푸념하다

dazed [deɪzd]


1. (충격을 받거나 머리를 얻어맞거나 하여) 멍한[아찔한]

Survivors waited for the rescue boats, dazed and frightened.

생존자들은 멍하니 겁먹은 상태로 구조선을 기다렸다..

barren [ˈbærən]


1. 땅·토양이척박한, 황량한

a barren desert

척박한 사막

2. 식물·나무가열매[씨]가 안 열리는infertile

3. [구식 또는 격식]여자·동물 암컷이불임인infertile



1. 장소가황량한, 적막한

a bleak and desolate landscape

황폐하고 적막한 풍경

2. 너무나 외로운, 고적한forlorn


1. [주로 수동태로][문예체]고적하게 만들다

She had been desolated by the death of her friend.

그녀는 친구의 죽음으로 고적감을 느껴 온 터였다.



1. 건물·장소가황폐한neglected

run-down inner-city areas

황폐한 도심지 지역

duh [dʌ́]


1. [미·속어]이런, 설마, 쯧쯧, 에계계, 어마 ((불찬성·불쾌·경멸 등을 나타냄))

burlap [bə́:rlæp]


1. 올이 굵은 삼베 ((부대·포장용))

sack [sǽk]


1. 부대, 마대, 자루 ((삼베로 만든)); 한 부대(의 양)

wiggle [ˈwɪɡl]


1. [비격식](좌우상하로 짧게) 씰룩씰룩[꼼지락꼼지락/꿈틀꿈틀] 움직이다wriggle

[V] Her bottom wiggled as she walked past.

그녀가 지나갈 때 그녀의 엉덩이가 씰룩씰룩 흔들렸다.


1. (좌우상하로 짧게) 씰룩씰룩[꼼지락꼼지락/꿈틀꿈틀] 움직이기

grumble [ˈɡrʌmbl]


1. 투덜[툴툴]거리다

[V] She’s always grumbling to me about how badly she’s treated at work.

그녀는 직장에서 아주 험한 대우를 받는다고 내게 늘 투덜거린다.

spit [spít]


1. <침을> 뱉다, <음식물·피를> 토하다, <포화(砲火) 등을> 내뿜다

spit saliva

침을 뱉다



(휴대용) 물통


1. sew의 과거분사

sew [soʊ]


1. 바느질하다, 깁다

[V] My mother taught me how to sew.

우리 어머니께서 내게 바느질하는 법을 가르쳐 주셨다.

blazing [ˈbleɪzɪŋ]


1. 타는 듯이 더운

blazing heat

타는 듯한 더위

hastily [héistili]


1. 급히, 서둘러서

2. 허둥지둥; 성급하게, 경솔하게

tap [tæp]


1. (가볍게) 톡톡 두드리다[치다]

[V] Someone tapped at the door.

누군가가 문을 똑똑 두드렸다.

holster [ˈhoʊ-]


1. (벨트에 차는, 가죽으로 된) 권총집

buzzard [-zərd]


1. (유럽산) 독수리

gratefully [ɡréitfəli]


1. 감사하여, 기꺼이

sunburned [-bɜːrnd]


1. 햇볕에 심하게 탄

Her shoulders were badly sunburned.

그녀의 어깨는 햇볕에 아주 심하게 타 있었다.

2. 사람·피부가보기 좋게 햇볕에 탄tanned

She looked fit and sunburned.

그녀는 건강해 보이고 보기 좋게 햇볕에 타 있었다.

pat [pǽt]


1. 톡톡 가볍게 치다; 토닥거리다; 가볍게 두드려 …이 되게 하다 ((into))

( pat+[목]+[전]+[명] ) pat a person on the back

(칭찬·찬성의 표시로) …의 등을 톡톡 치다, …을 칭찬[격려, 위로]하다

compound [kɑ́mpaund]


1. (저택·공장의) 울안, 구내; 수용소; 복합 주거; 주택군



1. 지쳐서; 싫증이 나서, 진력이 나서.


1. 녹초가 되어

dripping [ˈdrɪpɪŋ]


1. 흠뻑 젖은, 물이 뚝뚝 듣는[떨어지는]

Her face was dripping with sweat.

그녀의 얼굴은 땀으로 흠뻑 젖어 있었다.



1. [군사]상용제품(commercial on-the-shelf)

crate [kreɪt]


1. (물품 운송용 대형 나무) 상자

a crate of bananas

바나나 한 상자

2. (유리병을 운송하거나 저장하는 데 쓸 수 있도록 여러 칸을 지른 플라스틱이나 철제) 상자

a beer crate

맥주 한 상자

3. 한 상자 (분량)

They drank two crates of beer.

그들은 맥주를 두 상자 마셨다.


1. (운송용 대형) 상자에 담다

outward [-wərd]


1. 표면상의, 겉보기의, 외형의

Mark showed no outward signs of distress.

마크가 겉으로는 전혀 괴로운 표시를 보이지 않았다.

2. (특히 다시 돌아올 곳에서부터) 떠나가는

the outward voyage/journey

출항길/떠나는 여정

3. (중심·특정 지점에서) 밖으로 향하는

outward movement

밖으로 향하는 움직임

rim [rɪm]


1. (둥근 물건의) 가장자리[테두리/테]

He looked at them over the rim of his glass.

그가 안경테 너머로 그들을 바라보았다.

saliva [səˈlaɪvə]


1. 침, 타액

go after

1. ~을 추구하다[얻으려고 하다]

We’re both going after the same job.

우리 두 사람 다 같은 직장을 얻으려고 하고 있다.

go after

1. ~를 뒤쫓다[따라가다]

He went after the burglars.

그가 도둑들을 뒤쫓아 갔다.​

whirl [wɜːrl]


1. 빙그르르[빙빙] 돌다[돌리다]spin

[V] Leaves whirled in the wind.

나뭇잎들이 바람을 타고 빙그르르 돌았다.

terrified [ˈterɪfaɪd]


1. (몹시) 무서워[두려워]하는, 겁이 난

to be terrified of spiders

거미를 무서워하다

spigot [ˈspɪɡət]


1. [전문 용어]수도꼭지

2. (특히 옥외에 있는) 수도[수도꼭지]

shower stall

1. [공조냉동건축설비]샤워 스톨, 샤워할 때 주위를 막기 위해 이용되는 칸막이이다.​






하단 링크에서 해당 원서 간편하게 구입 가능하시구요

링크 통해서 구매 시 저에게 소정의 수수료가 지급됩니다




Holes 홀스






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