
Holes 41~45 리뷰

luluralra 2020. 12. 21. 10:00

Holes sentences 41-45


It contained almost two feet of murky water.

Both boys were barefoot.

They didn't dip their socks into the hole, afraid to contaminate the water.

If I'd just gone by myself, they would have asked me a bunch of questions.

"Did they fit you?" "Pretty much."

Stanley remembered being surprised at Clyde Livingston's small shoe size.

If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.

It was like a giant sundial.

Stanley bit into an onion.

He remembered when he had first carried Zero up the hill, how the air had smelled bitter.

It was the smell of thousands of onions, growing and rotting and sprouting.

"How many onions do you think we've eaten?" "I don't even know how long we've been here."

"I bet we really stink."

Stanley lay awake staring up at the star-filled sky.

made his life miserable

Before that he'd been unhappy at school, where he had no friends, and bullies like Derrick Dunne picked on him. 

He wondered if he was delirious.

Zero's face was lit in the starlight, and there was a flower petal in front of his nose that moved back and forth as he breathed. 

Zero breathed in, and the petal was drawn up almost touching his nose. Zero breathed out, and the petal moved toward his chin. It stayed on Zero's face for an amazingly long time before fluttering off to the side.

As Stanley stared at the glittering night sky, he thought there was no place he would rather be.

Maybe sneak into the kitchen and get some food.

He doubted any counselors were still on guard.

It would mean living the rest of his life as a fugitive. The police would always be after him.

He would have to somehow get a new identity.

You're crazy! he told himself.

I remember standing in a crib, with my mother singing to me.

It was late afternoon

They would dig for as long as it seemed safe, and not a second longer.

they'd head up the dirt road.

In her last letter, his mom was worried that they might be evicted from their apartment because of the smell of burning sneakers.

Again, he wondered if they'd been told that he ran away from camp.

Instead he tried to recapture the feelings he'd had the night before-the inexplicable feeling of happiness,

They'd dunked their caps in the water hole before putting them on their heads.

Zero held the shovel, and Stanley carried the sack, which was crammed with onions and the three jars of water.

He slid into a patch of weeds and grabbed onto a thorny vine.

Zero climbed down after him, retrieving the sack along the way

Stanley pulled some thorns out of his pant legs. The jars hadn't broken.

They eased themselves down from one ledge to another, and let themselves slide in other places, being especially careful with the sack.

If you drink some, it will lighten your load.

But if you want a drink, I'll give you some.

His voice was dry and raspy.

They clinked the jars together and, each watching the other, poured the water into their stubborn mouths.

His voice sounded suddenly hollow.

"You know the playscape?" "Yeah. I've played on it."

They ate four onions apiece and drank about half a jar of water.

I saw the boat off to the right.

Zero was lost in thought.

I knew I didn't belong at the party, even though it wasn't their playscape.

"Hold on," Zero said, stopping abruptly. "We're going the wrong way."

Sometime in the middle of the afternoon, a cloud drifted across the sky and blocked out the sun.

They were still too far away to see the camp, but he could hear a blend of indistinct voices. As they got closer he occasionally could hear Mr. Sir's distinctive bark.

They approached a cluster of holes. "Let's wait here, until they go in,"

As quietly as possible, he and Zero climbed up out of their holes and crept toward camp.

Stanley held the sack in front of him, cradled in his arms, instead of over his shoulder, to keep the jars from clanking against each other.

The fear made him dizzy.  He took a breath, summoned his courage, and continued.

They climbed down into adjacent holes, and waited for the camp to fall asleep.

He didn't think he'd fallen asleep.

Stanley could see a sliver of a moon, which appeared and disappeared among the clouds.

He stumbled over a small pile of dirt.

"It's it," said Stanley, sounding more certain than he really was.

He felt it sink beneath his weight. He scooped out some dirt and tossed it off to the side.

Stanley took a deep breath and exhaled.

He hadn't heard him approach. 

He nearly gagged on the ultra-sweet taste. They were sugar-frosted flakes, and after eating nothing but onions for more than a week, he had trouble adjusting to the flavor.

He washed them down with a swig of water.

Zero took over the digging. Stanley sifted his fingers through the fresh piles of dirt, in case he had missed anything.

A diamond no bigger than a pebble would be worth thousands of dollars. Yet there was no way he'd see it.

No offense

As the dirt chipped and flaked away, the hard object became more pronounced.

His voice was filled more with astonishment than with excitement.

The hole was wide enough for him to hold the shovel lengthwise and dig sideways into the wall. 

He scraped at the dirt wall, until he exposed one entire side of the box-like object. He ran his fingers over it. It felt to be about eight inches tall, and almost two feet wide.

He tried pulling it out, but it wouldn't budge.

"I'm going to try to dig a hole underneath it," he said. "Then maybe I can pull it down and slip it out."

Stanley jammed the shovel into the bottom edge of his hole, and carefully began to dig a tunnel underneath the metal object. He hoped it didn't cave in.

he tried pulling it out, but it was firmly in the ground. If he pulled too hard, he feared, he'd cause a cave-in. He knew that when he was ready to pull it out, he would have to do it quickly, before the ground above it collapsed.


Stanley was able to feel latches on one end of the box.

"Can you pry it loose with the shovel?"

As he knelt down in the hole, he could tell that only a small portion of the earth had collapsed.

"I got it!" he exclaimed.

He gathered his remaining strength, and tried to pull himself up out of the hole.

Off in the distance, Stanley could see two more flashlights bobbing toward them in the darkness. He felt helpless in the hole.

Stanley was afraid to look, and afraid not to. He wondered if he should try to scramble out of the hole before the lizards turned on him, but he didn't want to cause any commotion.

"There's another one!" gasped Mr. Pendanski.

He glanced downward and had to force himself to suppress a scream.


Holes words 41-45

murky : 어두운; 어둠침침한; 음울한; 켕기는; 수상쩍은

dip [dɪp] 
1. (액체에) 살짝 담그다[적시다]
He dipped the brush into the paint.
그가 붓을 페인트에 살짝 담갔다.

contaminate [kənˈtæmɪneɪt] 
1. 오염시키다adulterate
The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.
그 식수는 납에 오염되었다.

1. Ar·te·mas [ɑ́ːrtəməs] Ward (1727-1800)(미국 독립 전쟁 때의 장군)

sundial : 해시계

rotting : 썩다; 썩이다; 썩음; 부패하다; 썩어 문드러지다

sprouting : 눈; 싹; 움; 싹양배추; 젊은이

stink [stɪŋk] 
1. (고약한) 냄새가 나다, 악취가 풍기다reek
Her breath stank of garlic.
그녀의 입에서는 마늘 냄새가 났다.

miserable [ˈmɪzrəbl] 
1. 비참한
We were cold, wet and thoroughly miserable.
우리는 춥고 비에 젖어 정말 비참했다.

starlight : 별빛; 별빛의; 별빛이 밝은

petal : 꽃잎; 화판

fluttering : 펄럭이다; 날개치다; 펄럭거리다; 퍼덕이다; 펄럭임

sneak into
1. []...에 몰래 들어가다.

fugitive : 도망자; 도망하는; 탈주자; 망명자; 사라져 버리는 것

identity : 동일함; 일치; 동일성; 신분 증명서; 항등

crib : 유아용 침대; 구유; 여물통; 오두막; 좁은 방

evicted : 퇴거시키다; 축출하다; 점유를 회복하다; 도로 찾다

recapture : 탈환하다; 탈환; 되찾다; 다시 체포하다; 초과 징수하다

inexplicable : 설명할 수 없는; 불가해한

crammed : 밀어넣다; 채워 넣다; 억지로 집어 먹다; 포식시키다; 너무 먹이다

patch [pætʃ] 
1. (특히 주변과는 다른 조그만) 부분
a black dog with a white patch on its back
등에 흰 점이 하나 있는 검정개

slide into
1. …에 미끄러져 들어가다.

thorny [ˈθɔːrni] 
1. [주로 명사 앞에 씀](문제 등이) 곤란한[골치 아픈]knotty
a thorny question/issue/problem
곤란한 질문/사안/문제
2. 가시가 있는
a thorny bush
가시가 있는 관목

vine [vaɪn] 
1. 포도나무grapevine
grapes on the vine
덩굴포도나무에 매달린 포도

retrieving : 되찾다; 만회하다; 회수하다; 회복하다; 부활시키다

sandpaper : 사포; 샌드페이퍼; 사포로 닦다

raspy : 삐걱거리는; 귀에 거슬리는; 신경질적인; 성을 잘 내는

clinked : 땡그랑 소리; 균일하지 않은 팽채수축으로 강괴 내부에 생기는 작은 갈라진 틈; 끝이 뾰족한 강철봉; 날카로운 울음소리; 운

hollow [ˈhɑːloʊ] 
1. (속이) 빈
a hollow ball / centre / tube
속이 비어 있는 공/중심[가운데]/관

playscape : 놀이터 기구 세트

apiece : 하나에 대하여; 한 사람에 대하여; 각자에게

abruptly : 갑자기; 불쑥; 뜻밖에; 퉁명스럽게; 무뚝뚝하게

drifted : 표류; 흐름; 표류하다; 떠내려감; 흐름의 방향

indistinct : 뚜렷하지 않은; 희미한; 흐릿한

cluster : 송이; 떼; 무리; 집단; 연속 발생

crept : 기다; 포복하다; 살금살금 걷다; 살살 기다; 얽히다

cradled : 요람; 유아용 침대; 요람 시대; 어린 시절; 요람지

clanking : 절거덕 소리; DELIRIUM TREMENS

summoned : 소환하다; 호출하다; 출두를 명하다; 소집하다; …에게 명하다

adjacent : 이웃의; 인접한; 부근의; 가까이 있는; 직전의

starlight : 별빛; 별빛의; 별빛이 밝은

stumbled : 발부리가 걸리다; 채어 비틀거리다; 비틀거리며 걷다; 실수하다; 죄를 짓다
stumble over
1. …을 더듬거리며 말하다(=trip over).

gagged : 재갈; 입을 막다; 입마개; 입막음; 언론 압박

frosted [ˈfrɔːstɪd] 
1. [명사 앞에만 씀]유리가반투명인, 젖빛의
2. [특히 美]케이크 등이당의(糖衣)를 입힌
the frosted garden
3. 서리에 뒤덮인
the frosted garden
서리가 내린 정원

swig [swɪɡ]
1. [비격식](특히 술을 빠르게) 꿀꺽꿀꺽[벌컥벌컥] 마시다
They sat around swigging beer from bottles.
그들은 맥주를 병째 벌컥벌컥 마시며 둘러 앉아 있었다.

sifted : 체로 치다; 체질하다; 거르다; 뿌리다; 엄밀히 조사하다

pebble : 조약돌; 자갈; 자갈류; 마노; 오톨도톨한 무늬가 있는 가죽

to commit an offense
범행을 저지르다
2. [스포츠]공격진; 공격 방법defence
The Redskins’ offense is stronger than their defense.
레드스킨의 공격진이 그들의 수비진보다 더 강하다.

chipped : 조각; 토막; 나무쪽; 지저깨비; 깎아낸 부스러기

flaked : 한 조각; 얇은 조각; 박편; 파편; 불티

pronounced : 발음하다; 선언하다; 음독하다; 언명하다; 표명하다

lengthwise : 세로의; 긴

sideways : 샛길; 옆길; 인도; 보도

scraped : 문지르다; 긁어내다; 스쳐 …에 상처를 내다; 문질러 깨끗이하다; 닦다

budge : 움직이기 시작하다; 태도·견해를 바꾸다; 양보하다; 어린 양의 모피; budge로 만든

jammed : 쑤셔 넣다; 채워넣다; 막다; 끼우다; 움직이지 않게 하다

cave in
1. 무너지다[함몰되다]
The ceiling suddenly caved in on top of them.
지붕이 갑자기 그들 위로 무너져 내렸다.

precarious : 불확실한; 믿을 수 없는; 위험한; 남의 의지 여하에 따라 결정되는; 남에 달린

latches : 걸쇠; 빗장; 래치

1. 지레로 들어올리다[움직이다](prize) ((off, up))
( pry+[목]+[부] ) pry offthe top of a box
상자 뚜껑을 비틀어 열다

wedge : 쐐기; 쐐기 모양; 웨지; 사이를 갈라놓는 것; 분열의 원인

knelt : 무릎 꿇다; 무릎을 구부리다

bobbing : 재빠르게 움직이기; 가벼운 인사; 댄스; 재빠르게 위아래로 움직이다; 왈칵 잡아당기다

helpless : 어찌할 수 없는; 주체못하는; 속수무책인; 무력한; 도움 없는
helpless [ˈhelpləs] 
1. 무력한, 속수무책인
the helpless victims of war
전쟁의 무력한 피해자들
2. (감정을) 감당하지[참지] 못하는
helpless panic/rage
감당할 수 없는 공포/분노

scramble : 기어오르다; 서로 다투다; 서로 빼앗다; 긁어 모으다; 뒤섞다

commotion : 동요; 소요; 소동; 폭동

gasped : 헐떡거림; 헐떡거리다; 숨이 막히다; 숨막힘; 헐떡거리며 하는 짧은 말

suppress : 억압하다; 가라앉히다; 억제하다; 억누르다; 참다

asso long as
1. ~이기만[하기만] 하면
We’ll go as long as the weather is good.
우리는 날씨만 좋으면 갈 것이다.
2. ~이기 때문에; ~하는 한은
So long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there.
이들 마약에 대한 수요가 있는 한 마약상들에게 경제적인 자극제가 존재하는 것이다.

1. 차츰 잦아들다
His voice trailed away to nothing.
그의 목소리가 차츰 잦아들더니 아무 소리도 들리지 않았다.

claws : 갈고리 발톱; 집게발; 발톱꼴의 것; 못뽑이; 사람의 손
claw [klɔː] 
1. (동물새의) 발톱
the claws of a crab
2. (게 등의) 집게발
the claws of a crab
게의 집게발
3. (물건을 집거나 들어올리는 데 쓰는) 갈고리 모양의 도구[기계]
a claw hammer
1. (손톱발톱으로) 할퀴다[긁다]
[V] The cat was clawing at the leg of the chair.
고양이가 의자 다리를 긁고 있었다.
