
Holes 11~15 리뷰

luluralra 2020. 12. 10. 10:00

Holes sentences 11-15


He slammed his shovel into the ground and pried up another piece of earth

After a while, he noticed X-Ray had come by and was watching him dig. 

let me talk to you a second

Stanley put down his shovel and stepped up out of his hole. 

He slammed his blade into the ground, then dumped out another shovelful of dirt.

Derrick Dunne would be scared senseless by any of the boys here. 

Derrick wouldn't stand a chance. 

"Just what do you think you're doing?" asks Squid, as he slams his hands into Derrick Dunne's smug face

"Caveman's our friend," says Armpit, grabbing him by the shin collar

It helped him dig his hole and ease his own suffering.

Whatever pain he felt was being felt ten times worse by Derrick.

Again, Stanley was the last one to finish digging. It was late afternoon when he dragged himself back to the compound.

He managed to nod. 

Stanley plopped down between Squid and Magnet.


He belongs in the zoo

you should try to make the most of it

You are here on account of one person.

You're responsible for yourself.

You're not completely worthless

Zero's mouth was shut tight. As he glared at Mr. Pendanski, his dark eyes seemed to expand. 

He dug his shovel into the dirt. 

His skin had gotten tougher. It didn't hurt so much to hold the shovel. 

As he drank from his canteen he looked up at the sky. A cloud had appeared earlier in the day.

Occasionally it got close, but it was just teasing them.

His hole was waist deep.

As he dumped it out, he thought he saw something glisten as it fell onto the dirt pile.

He glanced up at the cloud, which was close enough to the sun that he had to squint to look at it. 

He dug his shovel back into the earth, scooped out some dirt, and lifted it over his dirt pile. But instead of dumping it there, he tossed it off to the side. His curiosity had gotten the better of him. He climbed up out of his hole and sifted his fingers through the pile. He felt something hard and metallic. He pulled it out. 

He looked again at the design engraved into the flat bottom of the tube. He could see an outline of a heart, with the letters K B etched inside it. 

He could explain the situation to the Warden, and the Warden might make up an excuse for giving him the day off, so X-Ray wouldn't suspect. 

It's prob'ly just a piece of junk

"No, I don't know!" X-Ray snapped.

Mr. Sir marched the boys out to the lake, chewing sunflower seeds along the way and spitting out the shells.

He scraped the ground with his boot heel, to mark where each boy was supposed to dig. 

He couldn't figure out why X-Ray snapped at him.

Stanley sometimes could see some distant hills

They were only visible for a short while and would soon disappear behind the haze of heat and dirt. 

The truck stopped, and the dust cloud drifted past it.

It didn't take long for the pickup to return.

turquoise stones

The sleeves on her shirt were rolled up, and her arms were covered with freckles, as was her face.

The Warden wiggled her finger for him to come to her.

She gently shook the canteen, letting the water swish inside the plastic container. 

The Warden got a pitchfork out of the back of the pickup.

I want you to bring back three wheelbarrows

The Warden remained at the site for the remainder of the day, along with Mr. Pendanski

she told Stanley. 

He wondered if Zigzag was just being paranoid. 

Stanley had his doubts about that.




Holes words 11-15




1. 해야 할 일이 많은

I have been being slammed at work.

직장에서 내가 감당할 수 있는 이상의 일들이 있어.

slam : 쾅; 탕 닫다; 털썩 내려놓다; 세차게 밟다; 내동댕이치다


pry 1 [prái] 


1. 엿보다(peep), 탐색하다, 동정을 살피다 ((into, about)); 파고들다, 꼬치꼬치 캐다 ((into))

( pry+[전]+[명] ) pry intothe affairs

남의 일을 꼬치꼬치 캐다

pry 2 


1. 지레로 들어올리다[움직이다](prize) ((off, up))

( pry+[목]+[부] ) pry offthe top of a box

상자 뚜껑을 비틀어 열다


senseless [ˈsensləs] 


1. [못마땅함]무의미한pointless

senseless violence

무의미한 폭력

2. [명사 앞에는 안 씀]의식을 잃은, 인사불성의

He was beaten senseless.

그는 맞아서 의식을 잃었다.

3. 분별없는, 무분별한

The police blamed senseless drivers who went too fast.

경찰은 과속을 한 무분별한 운전자들을 탓했다.


smug [smʌɡ]


1. [못마땅함]의기양양한, 우쭐해 하는complacent

a smug expression/smile/face, etc.

의기양양한[득의만면의] 표정/미소/얼굴 등


plop [plɑːp] 


1. 퐁당 (하는 소리)


1. 퐁당[툭] 하고 떨어지다

The frog plopped back into the water.

개구리가 다시 퐁당 하고 물 속으로 들어갔다.

2. (특히 액체 속에 무엇을 퐁당 소리가 날 정도로) 넣다[떨어뜨리다]

Can you just plop some ice in my drink?

내 술에는 그냥 얼음만 좀 퐁당 넣어 줄래요?

3. (무겁게느긋하게) 털썩 주저앉다[벌렁 드러눕다]


veterinarian [vètərənέəriən]


1. 수의사(veterinary surgeon)


on account of

1. ~ 때문에[~ 해서]

She retired early on account of ill health.

그녀는 건강이 안 좋아서 조기 퇴직을 했다.


jackolantern [ˈdʒækəlæntərn] 


1. 호박등(호박에 얼굴 모양으로 구멍을 뚫고 안에 촛불을 꽂은 등)

jackolantern [dƷǽkəlæ̀ntərn] 

Jack O Lantern

1. (약어:JOL)JOL


1. 잭오랜턴. 속을 파서 도깨비 얼굴 모양으로 만든 뒤 그 안에 촛불을 켜 놓은 호박. 핼러윈의 상징 가운데 하나이다.


squint [skwɪnt] 


1. 눈을 가늘게 뜨고[찡그리고] 보다(밝은 빛을 피하거나 무엇을 더 잘 보려고 취하는 동작을 나타냄)

[V] to squint into the sun

눈을 가늘게 뜨고 해를 보다



1. 오목판의


etched : 식각하다; 선명하게 그리다; 마음에 새기다

junk [dʒʌŋk] 


1. 쓸모없는 물건, 폐물, 쓰레기rubbish/garbage

I’ve cleared out all that old junk in the attic.

내가 다락방에 있던 그 쓸모없는 물건들을 다 치워 없앴다.


snapped : 홱 잡다; 물다; 스냅; 스냅 사진; 잡아채다


march [mɑːrtʃ] 


1. 행진[행군]하다, 행군하듯 걷다

[V] Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.

정부 청사들 밖에서는 군인들이 행군을 하듯 왔다 갔다 하고 있었다.


scraped : 문지르다; 긁어내다; 스쳐 …에 상처를 내다; 문질러 깨끗이하다; 닦다


distant [ˈdɪstənt] 


1. 먼, (멀리) 떨어져 있는

the distant sound of music

멀리서 들려오는 음악 소리


haze  [héiz] 


1. 아지랑이, 안개, 연무; 아지랑이[안개, 연무] 모양의 것; 엷은 연기

the haze of cigarette smoke

담배의 옅은 연기


drift [drɪft] 


1. (서서히 일어나는) 이동[추이]

a population drift away from rural areas

농촌 지역들로부터의 인구 이동

2. (배항공기의) 표류

the general direction of drift on the east coast

3. 해류, 물줄기; 기류current

the general direction of drift on the east coast

동쪽 해안 해류의 일반적인 방향


1. (물공기에) 떠가다, 표류[부유]하다

Clouds drifted across the sky.

하늘에는 구름이 떠가고 있었다.

2. (서서히) 이동하다[움직이다]

The crowd drifted away from the scene of the accident.

사람들이 차츰 사고 현장에서 멀어져 갔다.

3. (확실한 목적 없이) 표류[부유]하다, 어쩌다...하게 되다

I didn’t intend to be a teacher—I just drifted into it.

나는 교사가 되려던 게 아니었다. 그냥 어쩌다 보니 그렇게 되었다.


turquoise [ˈtɜːrk-] 


1. 터키석(石), 터키옥(玉)

a turquoise brooch

터키석 브로치

2. 청록색



a turquoise dress

청록색 드레스[원피스]


freckle [ˈfrekl]


1. 주근깨mole


swish [swɪʃ] 


1. 휙[쌩] 소리를 내며 움직이다; 휙[쌩] 소리를 내며 움직이게 하다[휘두르다]

[V] A large car swished past them and turned into the embassy gates.

큰 승용차 한 대가 쌩 하며 그들을 지나가더니 방향을 돌려 대사관 정문 안으로 들어갔다.


pitchfork : 건초용 포크; 갈퀴; 쇠스랑; 음차; 소리굽쇠


wheelbarrow [-roʊ] 


1. 외바퀴 손수레


paranoid [ˈpærənɔɪd] 


1. 피해망상적인

She’s getting really paranoid about what other people say about her.

그녀가 다른 사람들이 자기에 대해 하는 말에 진짜 피해망상적이 되어 가고 있다.







