[기사읽기] Eight-year-old Indian diamond heiress who became a nun
Eight-year-old Indian diamond heiress who became a nun

Eight-year-old Devanshi Sanghvi could have grown up to run a multi-million dollar diamond business.
But the daughter of a wealthy Indian diamond merchant is now living a spartan life - dressed in coarse white saris, barefoot and going door-to-door to seek alms.
Because last week, Devanshi, the elder of the two daughters of Dhanesh and Ami Sanghvi, renounced the world and became a nun.
The Sanghvis are among 4.5 million Jains who follow Jainism - one of the world's oldest religions, which originated in India more than 2,500 years ago.
Religious scholars say the number of Jains renouncing the material world has been rising rapidly over the years, although cases involving children as young as Devanshi are uncommon.
Last Wednesday's ceremony in Surat city in the western state of Gujarat, where Devanshi took "diksha" - vows of renunciation - in the presence of senior Jain monks, was attended by tens of thousands.
Accompanied by her parents, she arrived at the venue in the city's Vesu area, bejewelled and dressed in fine silks. A diamond-studded crown rested on her head.
After the ceremony, she stood with other nuns, dressed in a white sari which also covered her shaved head. In photographs, she is seen holding a broom that she would now use to brush away insects from her path to avoid accidentally stepping on them.

Since then, Devanshi has been living in an Upashraya - a monastery where Jain monks and nuns live.
"She can no longer stay at home, her parents are no longer her parents, she's a Sadhvi [a nun] now," says Kirti Shah, a Surat-based diamond merchant who is a friend of the family and also a local Bharatiya Janata Party politician.
"A Jain nun's life is really austere. She will now have to walk everywhere, she can never take any kind of transport, she'll sleep on a white sheet on the floor and cannot eat after sundown," he added.
Sanghvis belong to the only Jain sect that accepts child monks - the other three admit only adults.
Devanshi's parents are known to be "extremely religious" and Indian media has quoted friends of the family as saying that the girl was "inclined towards spiritual life since she was a toddler".
"Devanshi has never watched television, movies or gone to malls and restaurants," the Times of India reported.
"From a young age, Devanshi has been praying thrice a day and even performed a fast at the age of two," the paper added.
A day before her renunciation ceremony, the family had organised a huge celebratory procession in Surat.
Thousands watched the spectacle as camels, horses, ox carts, drummers and turbaned men carrying canopies walked the streets, with dancers and performers on stilts providing entertainment.
Devanshi and her family sat in a chariot pulled by an elephant, while crowds showered them with rose petals.

Processions were also organised in Mumbai and the Belgian city of Antwerp, where the Sanghvis have businesses.
Even though there's support from within the Jain community for the practice, Devanshi's renunciation has led to a debate, with many asking why the family couldn't wait for her to reach adulthood before making such important choices on her behalf.
Mr Shah, who was invited to the diksha ceremony but stayed away because the idea of a child renouncing the world makes him uncomfortable, insisted that "no religion should allow children to become monks".
"She's a child, what does she understand about all this?" he asked. "Children can't even decide what stream to study in college until they are 16. How can they make a decision about something that will impact their entire life?"
When a child renouncing the world is deified and the community celebrates, it can all seem like a big party to her, but Prof Nilima Mehta, a child protection consultant in Mumbai, says the "difficulty and deprivation the child will go through is immense".
"Life as a Jain nun is very very tough," she says.
Many other community members have also expressed unease at a child being separated from her family at such a young age.
And since news broke, many have taken to social media to criticise the family, accusing the Sanghvis of violating their child's rights.
Mr Shah says the government must get involved and stop this practice of children renouncing the world.
But it's not very likely to happen - I reached out to the office of Priyank Kanungo, chief of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), to ask if the government was going to do anything about Devanshi's case.
His office said he did not want to comment on the issue because it's a "sensitive matter".

Activists, however, say that Devanshi's rights have been violated.
To those saying that the child is turning ascetic "out of her own free will", Prof Mehta points out that "a child's consent is not consent in law".
"Legally 18 is the age where someone makes an independent decision. Until then a decision on her behalf is made by an adult - such as her parents - who has to consider whether it's in her best interest.
"And if that decision deprives the child of education and recreation, then it is a violation of her rights."
But Dr Bipin Doshi, who teaches Jain philosophy at Mumbai University, says "you cannot apply legal principles in the spiritual world".
"Some are saying a child is not mature enough to take such decisions, but there are children with better intellectual capabilities who can achieve much more than adults at a young age. Similarly, there are children who're spiritually inclined, so what is wrong if they become monks?" he asks.
Besides, Dr Doshi insists, Devanshi is not being harmed in any way.
"She may be deprived of the traditional entertainment, but is that really necessary for everyone? And I don't agree that she'll be deprived of love or education - she'll receive love from her guru and she will learn honesty and non-attachment. Is that not better?"
Dr Doshi also says that in case Devanshi changes her mind later on and thinks that "she took a wrong decision under the mesmerising effects of her guru", she can always return to the world.

Then why not let her decide when she's an adult, asks Prof Mehta.
"Young minds are impressionable and in a few years, she may think this is not the life she wants," she says, adding that there have been cases where women have changed their mind once they have grown up.
Prof Mehta says a few years ago she dealt with the case of a young Jain nun who had run away from her centre because she was so traumatised.
Another girl who had become an ascetic at nine caused a scandal of sorts in 2009 after she turned 21 and eloped and married her boyfriend.
In the past, petitions have also been filed in court, but Prof Mehta says any social reform is a challenge because of the sensitivities involved.
"It's not just among Jains; Hindu girls are married to deities and become devadasis [though the practice was outlawed in 1947] and little boys join akhadas [religious centres], in Buddhism children are sent to live in monasteries as monks.
"Children are suffering under all religions, but challenging it is blasphemy," she says, adding that families and societies need to be educated that "a child is not your possession".
Eight-year-old Indian diamond heiress who became a nun heiress 미국식 [│eres] 영국식 [│eəres; │eərəs] (특히 상당한 재산의) 여자 상속인[상속녀] nun 미국식 [nʌn] 수녀, 여승 (→monk) But the daughter of a wealthy Indian diamond merchant is now living a spartan life - dressed in coarse white saris, barefoot and going door-to-door to seek alms. spartan 미국식 [ˈspɑːrtn] 영국식 [ˈspɑːtn] 검소하고 엄격한, 스파르타식의 (↔luxurious) coarse 미국식 [kɔːrs] 영국식 [kɔːs] 1. 거친 (↔smooth, soft) 2. (알갱이·올 등이) 굵은 (↔fine) 3. 음탕한 (=vulgar) alms 미국∙영국 [ɑːmz] 미국식 [ɑːmz] 구호금[품] Jainism 미국∙영국 [dƷáinizm] 자이나교 ((Buddhism 및 Brahminism과 공통된 교의를 가진 인도의 종파)) Last Wednesday's ceremony in Surat city in the western state of Gujarat, where Devanshi took "diksha" - vows of renunciation - in the presence of senior Jain monks, was attended by tens of thousands. diksha [Noun] The giving of a mantra or initiation by the guru in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. renunciation 미국∙영국 [rɪˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn] 1. (신념·생활 방식 등의) 포기[포기 선언] 2. 금욕 (→renounce), (=self-denial) Since then, Devanshi has been living in an Upashraya - a monastery where Jain monks and nuns live. monastery 미국식 [ˈmɑːnəsteri] 영국식 [ˈmɒnəstri] 수도원 "A Jain nun's life is really austere. She will now have to walk everywhere, she can never take any kind of transport, she'll sleep on a white sheet on the floor and cannot eat after sundown," he added. austere 미국식 [ɔː│stɪr] 영국식 [ɒ│stɪə(r); ɔː│stɪər] 1. 꾸밈없는, 소박한 2. 근엄한 3. 금욕적인, 내핍 생활을 하는 Sanghvis belong to the only Jain sect that accepts child monks - the other three admit only adults. sect 미국∙영국 [sekt] 미국식 [sekt] 종파(宗派) "From a young age, Devanshi has been praying thrice a day and even performed a fast at the age of two," the paper added. thrice 미국∙영국 [θraɪs] 미국식 [θraɪs] 3회, 세 번 A day before her renunciation ceremony, the family had organised a huge celebratory procession in Surat. renunciation 미국∙영국 [rɪˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn] 1. (신념·생활 방식 등의) 포기[포기 선언] 2. 금욕 (→renounce), (=self-denial) procession 미국∙영국 [prəˈseʃn] 1. (특히 의식의 일부로 하는) 행진, 행렬 2. (차례로 나타나는 사람들의) 줄[행렬] Thousands watched the spectacle as camels, horses, ox carts, drummers and turbaned men carrying canopies walked the streets, with dancers and performers on stilts providing entertainment. oxcart 미국식 [ɑ́kskɑ̀:rt] 영국식 [ɔ́ks-] 우차(牛車), 달구지 turban ( 형용사: turbaned turban-like ) 1. 명사 터번(이슬람교도나 시크교도 남자들이 머리에 둘러 감는 수건) 2. 명사 (여성용) 터번형 모자 canopy 미국∙영국 [ˈkænəpi] 1. (침대 위에 지붕처럼 늘어뜨린) 덮개 2. (숲의 나뭇가지들이) 지붕 모양으로 우거진 것 3. (항공기 조종실의 투명한) 덮개 Stilts 죽마 Devanshi and her family sat in a chariot pulled by an elephant, while crowds showered them with rose petals. chariot 미국∙영국 [ˈtʃæriət] 미국식 [ˈtʃæriət] (고대의 전투나 경주용) 마차[전차] rose petals 장미의 꽃잎 Even though there's support from within the Jain community for the practice, Devanshi's renunciation has led to a debate, with many asking why the family couldn't wait for her to reach adulthood before making such important choices on her behalf. "She's a child, what does she understand about all this?" he asked. "Children can't even decide what stream to study in college until they are 16. How can they make a decision about something that will impact their entire life?" Why are these youngsters renouncing the world? When a child renouncing the world is deified and the community celebrates, it can all seem like a big party to her, but Prof Nilima Mehta, a child protection consultant in Mumbai, says the "difficulty and deprivation the child will go through is immense". youngster 명사 비격식 청소년, 아이 deify 미국∙영국 [ˈdeɪɪfaɪ; ˈdiːɪfaɪ] 미국식 [ˈdeɪɪfaɪ; ˈdiːɪfaɪ] 신격화하다, 신으로 받들다 deprivation 미국∙영국 [ˌdeprɪˈveɪʃn] 미국식 [ˌdeprɪˈveɪʃn] (필수적인 것의) 박탈[부족] immense 미국∙영국 [ɪˈmens] 미국식 [ɪˈmens] 엄청난, 어마어마한 (=enormous) "Life as a Jain nun is very very tough," she says Many other community members have also expressed unease at a child being separated from her family at such a young age. unease 미국∙영국 [ʌnˈiːz] 미국식 [ʌnˈiːz] 불안(감), 우려 (=anxiety) And since news broke, many have taken to social media to criticise the family, accusing the Sanghvis of violating their child's rights. His office said he did not want to comment on the issue because it's a "sensitive matter". To those saying that the child is turning ascetic "out of her own free will", Prof Mehta points out that "a child's consent is not consent in law". "Legally 18 is the age where someone makes an independent decision. Until then a decision on her behalf is made by an adult - such as her parents - who has to consider whether it's in her best interest. "And if that decision deprives the child of education and recreation, then it is a violation of her rights." ascetic 미국∙영국 [əˈsetɪk] 미국식 [əˈsetɪk] 금욕적인 deprive [dipráiv] 1. <사람에게서> <물건을> 빼앗다, <권리 등의 행사를> 허용치 않다, 주지 않다 ((of)) 2. 면직[파면]하다, <성직을> 박탈하다 recreation [ˌrekriˈeɪʃn] 1. 레크리에이션, 오락 2. 오락 삼아 하는 일, 취미 (=hobby, pastime) "Some are saying a child is not mature enough to take such decisions, but there are children with better intellectual capabilities who can achieve much more than adults at a young age. Similarly, there are children who're spiritually inclined, so what is wrong if they become monks?" he asks. "She may be deprived of the traditional entertainment, but is that really necessary for everyone? And I don't agree that she'll be deprived of love or education - she'll receive love from her guru and she will learn honesty and non-attachment. Is that not better?" be deprived of …을 빼앗기다 attachment 미국∙영국 [əˈtætʃmənt] 1. 애착 2. (사상·가치관에 대한) 믿음, 지지 3. 부가 장치[기구] Dr Doshi also says that in case Devanshi changes her mind later on and thinks that "she took a wrong decision under the mesmerising effects of her guru", she can always return to the world. mesmerize 미국∙영국 [ˈmezməraɪz] 미국식 [ˈmezməraɪz] 최면을 걸듯 마음을 사로잡다, 완전 넋을 빼놓다 (=fascinate) "Young minds are impressionable and in a few years, she may think this is not the life she wants," she says, adding that there have been cases where women have changed their mind once they have grown up. impressionable 미국∙영국 [ɪmˈpreʃənəbl] 미국식 [ɪmˈpreʃənəbl] 쉽게 외부의 영향을 받는 Prof Mehta says a few years ago she dealt with the case of a young Jain nun who had run away from her centre because she was so traumatised. traumatise 1. [Verb] (transitive,pathology) To injure, e.g. tissues, by force or by thermal, chemical or other agents. 2. [Verb] (transitive,psychiatry) To cause a trauma in. Another girl who had become an ascetic at nine caused a scandal of sorts in 2009 after she turned 21 and eloped and married her boyfriend. elope 미국식 [ɪˈloʊp] 영국식 [ɪˈləʊp] 눈이 맞아 함께 달아나다 In the past, petitions have also been filed in court, but Prof Mehta says any social reform is a challenge because of the sensitivities involved. petition 미국∙영국 [pəˈtɪʃn] 1. 진정[탄원/청원](서) 2. (법원에 법률적 처리를 요청하는) 신청서 3. 진정[탄원/청원]하다 4. (법원에) 신청서를 내다 social reform 사회 개혁 "Children are suffering under all religions, but challenging it is blasphemy," she says, adding that families and societies need to be educated that "a child is not your possession". blasphemy 미국∙영국 [ˈblæsfəmi] 미국식 [ˈblæsfəmi] 신성 모독 |
Eight-year-old Indian diamond heiress who became a nun
Activists say Devanshi's vows of renunciation that make her a Jain nun are a violation of her rights.